Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool
Mathematical Sciences Building, Liverpool L69 7ZL, United Kingdom
+44 (0)151 794 4001

Oleg Karpenkov
Lecturer in Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Liverpool
Email: karpenk at liv.ac.uk

Oleg Karpenkov

CV, research statement, PhD-thesis, and Habilitation thesis
My CV (pdf) and a brief description of my research until may 2008 (pdf).
My PhD thesis (pdf, in Russian), scientific advisers V.I.Arnold and V.M.Zakalyukin:
On multidimensional continued fractions of Klein model: classification of two-dimensional faces, algorithms, examples.
My Habilitation thesis (pdf): Geometry of lattice angles, polygons, and cones. Summary (pdf).
Publications and Preprints
For a complete list, click here.
Our Journal
Uniform Distribution Theory.
Our local seminar
Selected Topics in Mathematics.
Selected Topics in Mathematics, Online Edition.
Some of my conference co-organization
Continued Fractions and Geometry of Lattices, October 8, 2014.
Geometry, Combinatorics, and Markov Numbers, May 11-13, 2020.
LMS/British Singularity Day
Webpage of LMS/British Singularity Days.
Errata to texts, additional computations etc.
Corrections to the book "Geometry of Continued Fractions", Springer 2013.
Corrections to the paper "Generalised Markov numbers", JNT 2020 (by Matty van-Son).
Computations for the paper "On a periodic Jacobi-Perron type algorithm", preprint 2021.
My sample PhD projects
See in the list of our group.
Mailing address:

Room 505
Department of Mathematics,
Mathematical Sciences Building,
Peach Street, University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 7ZL, United Kingdom