
King Arthur
“This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how sheeps’ bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.” Graham Chapman (front left) and Terry Jones (front right) in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

My principal research interest is the development of mathematical techniques for wave scattering and diffraction, in physical contexts including acoustics, elasticity, electromagnetism and fluids. This involves mathematics from a number of different areas, including

  • asymptotics,
  • complex analysis,
  • special functions,
  • integral transforms,
  • numerical methods.
A list of my publications in refereed journals is available here.

Interesting in studying for a PhD?

I am always interested in recruiting outstanding postgraduate students. Feel free to email me, but note that funding is limited, and cannot be guaranteed. Some possible PhD projects are outlined here, and the presentation slides below give some insight into the types of method used in my work.