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Possible resources to use with a student with the same learning preference

Visual (V)

Use diagrams when explaining things

Draw flow charts to illustrate, for example, treatment plans

Use books with plenty of visual interest

Provide videos, posters and illustrated leaflets for information purposes

Use highlighters and coloured pens to emphasise important points in written material

Aural (A)

Make much use of discussion in your interaction with the student

Get the student to attend lectures, seminars, tutorials

Use role play to illustrate aspects of practice

Expect the student to spend some time making and answering telephone calls to service users

Encourage the student to question other staff about their work

As a placement project, you might ask the student to give a verbal presentation of research carried out during the placement, based on taped interviews perhaps

Read/Write (R)

Provide handouts on various aspects of your work

Collect, and expect the student to read, journal articles relating to practice

Use written slides, write on a whiteboard when explaining things

Provide books for student which are dense in text

Expect the student to keep a detailed placement journal

As a placement project, you might ask the student to carry out a literature search on a particular topic and produce a written report for your speciality team.

Kinaesthetic (K)

Use real-life examples when explaining things

Encourage the student to attend, and take part in, training sessions

Involve the student in as much practical work as possible

Use role-play, simulations and demonstrations

Encourage the student to go on visits, attend conferences

As a placement project, you might ask the student to carry out a practical project on a particular topic and feed back their findings to the team in a multimedia presentation.

We assume that all practice educators would, in practice, use a combination of styles!