Back in October, the sustainability group
invited staff to meet us and sample some of our
home baked cakes! We had an informal and frank
discussion about sustainability issues and how
the School would like to see the sustainability
group work. Some very useful and positive ideas
came from this, some of which have been acted
upon already:
Facilities Management advised us that
maintenance issues which lead to energy wastage
(e.g. draughty windows, leaking pipes etc)
should be reported to FM on 42277. Many
reported problems have now been addressed, e.g.
draughty windows in Nicholson.
Staff requested information on waste management.
Links added to the SoES website for online
waste removal form (FM services), computer
equipment disposal via CSD,
how university waste is treated (Orchid energy
recovery), etc.
A student representative suggested that
sustainability issues should be better taught
across the University. The group is
investigating ways that SoES can improve
sustainability education and sustainable
teaching University wide.
The group are keen to hear ideas and feedback
from the school about sustainability issues and
will hold further staff consultations and
student workshops to continue improving our
performance. If you have suggestions please
contact your
sustainability advocate.