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Crozet Cruise 10/12/2005

Well, it’s more that 24 hours since our last blog and we are still not at our main sampling station, close, but not there! Reason? Winds gusting to 55 knots and 10 metre waves. Not conducive to working at sea unfortunately. So we are hove to, actually steaming towards our target site at about 1 knot, which means we should get there by tomorrow morning. Frustrating, but there is always a glimmer of light. We have been joined for several hours by a large school of pilot whales; up to 100 at one time. As I write this they are still showing on our starboard side four hours after they were first spotted. Then, Peter, James and Charlie have fixed the SAPS that had failed us on Friday morning; over zealous tightening of the casing following service seems to have been the problem! Let’s hope that we can try them out in anger soon….

Pilot whales join the Crozet cruise



Last updated 4/02/08