The CROZET project funded by NERC focuses its study on the Crozet Plateau, between 40°S to 50°S and 40°E to 60°E ( Southern Indian Ocean). This region is just to the north of the Southern Ocean, the world’s fifth ocean.
The study area is ideal for assessing the impact of changing biogeochemical composition of OM because we can compare two communities that are:
- Not influenced by hydrodynamic variability imposed by topography.
- At the same depth
- In the same physical (topographic and hydrographic) setting
- Interconnected (no physical barrier between them)
- Within 16 hours passage so that they both can be sampled on a single cruise.
Crozet Islands sampling sites (M5 & M6)
Bathymetry of the Crozet Region
To view location of Crozet Islands, please click on the links below
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