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Analyze Particles Show Results Show Histogram Plot Profile Surface Plot Options Set Scale Preset Scale Calibrate Redo Measurement Delete Measurement Reset Restore Selection Label Selection Gradient Values Gradient Histogram Radial Distribution Azimuthal Distribution
Correlation Size Distribution DNA Strand Lengths Quasicrystal Symmetry Straighten Curv Object Display Karyotype Nanotube Non-Linearity Mineral Phase Analysis
Finds and
displays sites of local 5-fold or 10-fold symmetry. The coordinates of
these sites, the radii of the pentagonal/decagonal rings of atoms
found, the positions of the atoms, and the contrast levels measured are
stored and displayed in the Results window. A simulation of the
quasicrystal tiling can be produced by displaying either circles of the
same sizes as the pentagonal/decagonal rings of atoms or circles at the
atom positions (or both). The intensities of the circles displayed are
proportional to the contrast levels measured. Press the option key to
bypass the dialog box.
Steve Barrett November 2014 |