File Edit Options Process Analyze Video Macros Stacks SEM SPM Windows Help |
Analyze Particles Show Results Show Histogram Plot Profile Surface Plot Options Set Scale Preset Scale Calibrate Redo Measurement Delete Measurement Reset Restore Selection Label Selection Gradient Values Gradient Histogram Radial Distribution Azimuthal Distribution
Opens a window
and displays the current results table in it. If the Results window is
already open, then it is activated. No more than 32K characters can be
displayed in the Results window, but there is no limit to the number of
measurements that can be exported to a text file. Use the Export
command to save the measurements as a tab delimited text file that can
be opened by many Mac programs, including Excel, StatView and
KaleidaGraph. Or, as a shortcut, type cmd-S when the Results window is
the active. For correct display, it may be necessary to adjust tab
settings when opening an exported file with a word processing program
such as Microsoft Word. Hold down the option key (or check Headings in Options) when Exporting (or Copying)
results to include column and row
headers. Use Print (cmd-P) to
print the measurements, and Copy
to copy them to the Clipboard.
Steve Barrett November 2014 |