Crozet Cruising – Coming Home!
by George Wolff (PSO)
WE CAN SEE LAND! We have seen other ships!
Our mobile phones have a signal! We are only 12 hours away
from docking at Cape Town. I have just been on the Bridge
and had a good site of Cape Birkenhead (named after the
ship which went down there with all hands), which considering
I live in Liverpool was quite a surprise. For me it has
been an amazing experience, my first cruise as Principal
Scientist in a remote part of the world, I certainly picked
a non-trivial one for starters. Despite the ups and downs
(literally) it has been a great, if tiring cruise. I think
that the scientists at least will all feel a little relieved
to be going home, if a bit sad at leaving the ship that
has been our home for the last six and a half weeks. Of
course the crew will be staying on; they have been great
throughout the cruise and have given us the best support
that they could, given the sometimes appalling conditions!
Thanks to them and thanks to you for being interested enough
in reading the blogs. Keep looking in from time to time,
as some of the science will take a while to develop!

Some of the scientists and crew: At the back,
Pete, then left to right Alan, Roger, Robin, Margaret, Martin,
Hélène, Frédéric, Tania, James,
Dave, Ben, Nikky, John, Sue-Ann, Phil, Rachel, Adrian, Dave,
Will, Hugh and Alan, and sitting at the front, Dave and