P-I-M-P, I am simply! Ah, the funk master of soul graces the newbies with his presence. Pimpford, whitest (most refined) of all the Sugardaddies!

Our Star photographer, Glynn, showing us that white suspenders (or as you brits call them, ‘braces’), are still all the rave for attracting SANTA, I mean SATAN!

Sigh! So many people in desperate need of a good month in the sun… Hassan seems not to have yet fully recovered from the JACKO possession...

By my uncle Cecil’s possessed pot of Jumbalaya! I think Pete missed out on Mardi Gras by a few months (plus he look like he need to eat some Gumbo!)

Lands’ Sake! Does he not stop pimpin’?! Pimpford shows no signs of being tired from a long, hard day of making sure he is the fly-est motha in town!

Can you say S-O-B-E-R? No? That’s all right. Neither can they...

GHAAA! Fordcula has somehow managed to turn mild mannered Hassan into JACKULA, Undead King of Pop!, Oh, and Kev somehow manages to pass by unnoticed in the background...

We are spending far too much time focusing on Pimpford… starting to go to his head. Called me up and told me ‘Wanted some cheese for the pics’ FOOL!

Wonder if Zorro knows his date can also leave lasting marks… (side comment: How many vampires do we have in the club?! Must be the paleness…)

Almost as if on cue to smite me for my brazen commentary, Fordcula, now sober, attempts to kill the photographer (hope you are all right, Susan)

Pimpford is DEAD! Long live PimpKnowles! (he’s Beyonce’s brother?!)

Ah, yet another reason why the LUFC is on the blacklist at Hannas. First the ‘tequila incident’, now this… Ah, well. HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!