I really do think I look like Daffy Duck in that Robin Hood Looney Tunes Episode. Ben (left), Mario (centre), and Mike (right)...

It’s good to see Shane (left) finally got that breast reduction… JD (centre) and Ben (right) are just jealous...

Grrrr! Lovely ladies! Jen (left), Kirst (centre-left), Bryony (centre-right), and Del (right)

Errol Flynn, eat your heart out! For that matter, that little ponce Legolas can also stuff it! How can you call yourself a man and have no facial hair?!

‘Happy Birthday, Mr. Prime Minister…’ Kirsty showing off her curves (and an inability to walk in high heels)

Mike shows off one of them new fangled ‘nose strips’ to ease breathing for the professional athlete. We recommended ‘Medium’, but Mike said XL...