Andy (Left) and Mike (Right) the excitement and trepidation clear in their eager little faces... |
The ‘pied’ (mmmm...PIE!) piper paid a visit. Sadly all the rats were tone deaf... |
The ruins of the old castle where the knights in shinning armour fought (what do you mean ‘it’s St. James Park?’) |
Anytime fencers travel near open water, the Royal Navy sends out a Helicopter. Sabreurs don’t float, you see... |
You can say ‘Ni’ all you want, your rear is still going to the ground! |
Sabre, as it originated (only the competitors in jousting re-enactments wear armour. They’re not thick like, well...) |
One of them did manage to hit the target. The other hit a small falcon merely passing by... |
To help photographers, life-size stand-ups of the knights on horse were brought in. |
Mike and Andy caught in the ‘Marmalade Curse’ of St. Cuthbert at Lindisfarne. The Mead was quite nice, though... |
The jester. Minutes later that same rope was the only thing keeping him from Susan’s beer vengeance! |
Dan is happy his beer is still intact. Susan, on the other hand, is getting ready to kick some wise-cracking jester rear! |
A Lovely flower for all the beautiful maidens who endured reading this tripe. Mind the bee! |