Publications in refereed journals
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R. I. Brougham and I. Thompson
A note on quasiperiodic Green’s functions for arrays. Journal of Engineering Mathematics.
Published online: July 2015.
C. M. Linton and I. Thompson
Oblique Rayleigh wave scattering by a cylindrical cavity. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 68 (3): 235–261, May 2015. Preprint.
N. Tymis and I. Thompson
Scattering by a semi-infinite lattice and the excitation of Bloch waves. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 67 (3): 469–503, June 2014. Preprint.
I. Thompson
Algorithm 926: Incomplete Gamma Functions with Negative Arguments. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 39 (2): Article number 14. February 2013.
C. M. Linton, V. Zalipaev and I. Thompson
Electromagnetic guided waves on linear arrays of spheres .
Wave Motion 50 (1): 29–40, January 2013.
I. Thompson
A note on the real zeros of the incomplete gamma function. Integral transforms and special functions. 23 (6): 445–453, 2012. Preprint.
N. Tymis and I. Thompson
Low frequency scattering by a semi-infinite lattice of cylinders. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 64 (2):171–195, May 2011. Preprint.
I. Thompson and
C. M. Linton.
Array guided surface waves on a lattice of spheres. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70 (8): 2975--2995, October 2010. Preprint.
I. Thompson and
C. M. Linton.
Euler–Maclaurin summation and Schlömilch series. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 63 (1): 39–56, February 2010. Preprint.
C. M. Linton
and I. Thompson.
One- and two-dimensional lattice sums for the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation.
Journal of Computational Physics, 228 (6): 1815–1829, 1 April 2009. Preprint.
I. Thompson and
C. M. Linton.
An interaction theory for scattering by defects in arrays.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 68 (6): 1783–1806, July 2008. Preprint.
I. Thompson,
C. M. Linton and
R. Porter.
A new approximation method for scattering by long finite arrays.
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 61 (3): 333–352, August 2008. Preprint.
I. Thompson and C. M. Linton
On the excitation of a closely spaced array by a line source.
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 72 (4): 476–497, August 2007. Preprint
C. M. Linton,
R. Porter
and I. Thompson
Scattering by a semi-infinite array and the excitation of surface waves.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67 (5): 1233–1258, June 2007. Preprint.
I. Thompson and
I. D. Abrahams
Diffraction of flexural waves by cracks in orthotropic thin elastic plates. II Far field analysis.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, series A 463 (2082): 1615–1638, June 2007. Preprint.
C. M. Linton and I. Thompson
Resonant effects in scattering by periodic arrays.
Wave Motion 44 (3): 165–175, January 2007. Preprint.
I. Thompson
An improved uniform approximation for diffraction integrals.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, series A 462: 1341–1353, May 2006.
I. Thompson and
I. D. Abrahams
Diffraction of flexural waves by cracks in orthotropic thin elastic plates. I Formal solution.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, series A 461 (2063): 3413–3436 November 2005.
I. Thompson,
R. H. Tew and
Mode generation and diffraction at the aperture of a waveguide.
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 38 (12): 2701–2713 March 2005.
I. Thompson,
I. D. Abrahams and
A. N. Norris
On the existence of flexural edge waves on thin orthotropic plates.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112 (5): 1756–1765 Part 1, November 2002.
In the pipeline
I. Thompson
Understanding Maple (book).
C. M. Linton and I. Thompson
Elastic waves trapped above a cylindrical cavity.
R. I. Brougham and I. Thompson
A direct method for Bloch wave excitation.