
Associated projects:

The ENSEMBLES project (contract number GOCE-CT-2003-505539) is supported by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme as a 5 year Integrated Project from 2004-2009 under the Thematic Sub-Priority "Global Change and Ecosystems". ENSEMBLES EU
The new html version of RedGems is now operational. Regular information and data on infectious diseases and epidemics are integrated, with emphasis on RVF and remote sensing new indices. Redgems

Climate Data portals:

    Observation data portals:

   Climate Research Unit (CRU) Climate datasets
   Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
   British Atmospheric Data Center (BADC)
   National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
   International Research Insititute for Climate and Society Data library (IRI)

   AMMA Database

    Reanalysis projects:

   NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis1. 1948-2007
   ERA40 ECMWF: 1957-2002
   JRA25 Japanese Reanalysis: 1979-2004

African weather forecasts and current situation:

   GFS forecast system outputs (from the COLA website): here

   NOAA CPC African Desk: here

   IRI seasonal forecasts and various products over Africa: here

Usefull Tools:

    NCO software: Nco is a usefull tool to modify and to do operations on netCDF files,    using linux/unix command lines.
   It allows downloading files from a DODS server as well.

    CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate    model Data.

   Supported data formats are GRIB, netCDF, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. There are        more than 400 operators available...

    IDV: 3D real time visualization soft. Really usefull to impress people during the        conferences....
   Can acces real time forcecast of the GISS model via the web (a catalog can be        accessed to by URL) Read both grib and netcdf files......

    NCAR portal, allowing to analyze datas, perform statistic analyses and lots of        things..... Really easy to use (just push buttons....)

    Climate explorer, interactive climate/meteo data analysis portal (KNMI).

IPCC data vizualization center, allows to plot future climate projection maps and    to download post processed data from the IPCC database.

    NCL: Ncar language, son of ncargraphix, really usefull to perform analysis and to        do nice plots for papers.

    R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

   It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS

    Ferret: interactive computer visualization and analysis environment designed to        meet the needs of oceanographers and
meteorologists analyzing large and complex    gridded data sets...