
Available observation datasets

A webpage depicting the observation datasets available (and the associated caveats) to validate the RCM simulations performed over West Africa within the RT3.5 framewok is available here
Note also that an intercomparison of ERA40-NCEP and CMAP concerning  the mean onset date of the WAM can be viewed
here (EMS conference talk, page 9).
This highlights the sensitivity of the selected observed reference...

Validation Atlas for ENSEMBLES stream1 and DEMETER seasonal forecasts over Africa.

ENSEMBLES stream1 rainfall climatology JAS 1991-2001
This is a validation atlas of the main African monsoon features using different validation tools (Mean/Stddev biases, time series, box and whisker plots, Potential Predictability maps, correlations, ROC and Brier skill scores...).

The document can be retrieved as a .pdf file here
Or each page can be displayed on the flickr website here
A link to the AMMA/PRESAO meeting (Niamey) related presentation here