
The malaria model graphical interface (MGRAPH)

M-GRAPH is an Excel-based utility designed to allow a user to run the Liverpool Malaria Model, LMM (
Hoshen and Morse, 2004) in interactive mode for single time-series climate data input of rainfall and temperature.

The use of this model will assume a basic working knowledge of the excel software.

The software has been designed for use with Microsoft Excel 97-2003. Although the model will run in Excel 2007, some of the layout formatting may be lost.
Two different versions of the MGRAPH excel spreadsheet are available:

Download MGRAPH Microsoft Excel 97-2003 version
Download MGRAPH Microsoft Excel 2007 version

The documentation of MGRAPH is available in word 2003 format here
This documentation can also be retieved as a pdf file here


Hoshen, M. B., and A. P. Morse. 2004. A weather-driven model of malaria transmission. Malaria Journal 3(32).