Overview | Publications | Teaching

  Scientific Publications
Peer-reviewed publications
  1. Effective Birational Rigidity of Fano Double Hypersurfaces (with A. Pukhlikov), Arnold Mathematical Journal 4 (3-4), 505-521, 2019
  2. Topological equivalence of holomorphic foliation germs of rank 1 with isolated singularity in the Poincaré domain (with M. Lönne), Annales de l'Institut Fourier 69(2), 561-590, 2019
  3. Kähler packings and Seshadri constants on projective complex surfaces, Joce/article/abs/pii/S0926224517300347">Journal of Differential Geometry and its Applications 52, 51-63, 2017
  4. Numerical analogues of the Kodaira dimension and the Abundance Conjecture, Manuscripta Mathematica (2016), 1-20
  5. On the global log canonical threshold of Fano complete intersections(with A. Pukhlikov), European Journal of Mathematics 1 (2015), 1-13
  6. On the locus of non-rigid hypersurfaces (with A. Pukhlikov), in: M.Zaidenberg(ed), Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Algebraic Geometry, Levico Terme, Italy 2012
  7. Ciliberto-Miranda degenerations on $\mathbb{CP}^2$ blown up in 10 points, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 215 (2011), no.4, 672-696
  8. An asymptotic version of Dumnicki's algorithm for linear systems in $\mathbb{CP}^2$, Geom. Dedicata 137(1), 149-162, 2008
  9. Lower bounds for Seshadri constants, Math.Nachr.281(8), 1119--1128, 2008
  10. Line bundles on complex tori and a conjecture of Kodaira (with J.-P. Demailly and Th. Peternell), Comment. Math. Helv. 80 (2005), no. 2, 229--242.
  11. Numerically Trivial Foliations, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Volume 54(4), pages 887-938, 2004. [PDF-file from Ann. Inst. Fourier]
  12. Tsuji's Numerical Trivial Fibrations, J. Algebraic Geometry, Volume13, pages 617-639,2004. [PDF-file from J. Algebraic Geometry]
  13. A reduction map for nef line bundles  (with Th. Bauer, F. Campana, St. Kebekus, Th. Peternell, S. Rams, T. Szemberg, L. Wotzlaw), 
  14. in: Analytic and Algebraic Methods in Complex Geometry, Springer 2000
  15. Vector Fields on Smooth Threefolds Vanishing on Complete Intersections, Manuscripta Mathematica, Volume 107, pages 59-71, 2000. [ PDF-file from Manuscripta]

Accepted papers

  1. Numerisch triviale Faserungen und Blätterungen (English, introduction also in German). Habilitation thesis, 2007. Gives a unified exposition of the papers "A reduction map for nef line bundles", "Tsuji's numerically trivial fibrations" and "Numerically trivial foliations".
  2. Vektorfelder mit Nullstellen auf algebraischen Varietäten (German). 

  3. PhD thesis, 2000. Chapter 2 and 3 are also published in "Vector Fields on Smooth Threefolds Vanishing on Complete Intersections"
  4. Kurven vom Geschlecht 5 und Enriquesflächen vom Grad 10 (German)

  5. Diploma thesis, 1995. 

  1. Iterative dissection of Okounkov bodies of graded linear series on $\mathbb{CP}^2$
  2. Numerical trivial foliations, Iitaka Fibrations and the numerical dimension
  3. A Note on Invariants of Flows induced by Abelian Differentials on Riemann Surfaces
  4. A weak Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem
  5. On the Strong Factorization of Toric Birational Maps
    This paper contains a serious mistake in step 6.2 indicated by K. Karu. But perhaps the rest is interesting by
    itself as a further explanation of Morelli's algorithm for the weak factorization, as written up by D. Abramovich,
    K. Matsuki and S. Rashid.

  1. Classification of higher-dimensional algebraic varieties , University of Liverpool, 26/10/2007
    Iniversity of Liverpool, 26/10/2007
    Introductory talk on my approach to the Abundance Conjecture
