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Dr. Martin Volk > Research > Structure and Dynamics of Proteins and Polymers







Note: the numbers in square brackets refer (and link) to the List of Publications

Fast Protein Folding Dynamics

a-Helix Folding Dynamics

The first phase of protein folding is generally believed to be the formation of secondary structural elements on the time scale of nano- to microseconds, which then act as nucleation sites for the collapse to the native structure. Such fast folding processes can be observed using temperature jumps, induced by a nanosecond laser pulse, which heats the solvent to a temperature above the transition tem­pe­ra­ture of the protein. The kinetics of the ensuing unfolding can then be observed by time-resolved IR-spec­tros­copy.

Several novel aspects of helix folding have been studied:

* Bulky side chains have been shown not to slow down folding [22].

* The substitution of individual amino acid residues could be shown to affect not only helical stability, but also the dynamics of the helix-coil relaxation [24].

* Isotope-edited time-resolved IR spectroscopy, which allows the observation of helix dynamics at the residue level, was used to show that the helix dynamics at the C-terminus of an a-helix are faster than those at the N-terminus [23], most likely because the backbone carbonyls of the last three residues at the C-terminus are not hydrogen bonded and thus allow for greater flexibility.


* The effect of solvent conditions, such as pH or salt content were investigated in detail [25].

* The dependence of helix folding dynamics on the overall helicity of the peptide, which can be modified by pH (in polyglutamic acid) [32].

In addition to IR spectroscopy, we also were involved in the development of ns-time resolved CD spectroscopy as an alternative detection method for temperature jump-induced helix folding dynamics, which provides the advantage of yielding absolute values of the helical content of a sample [28].

More recent, and as yet unpublished results, focus on the folding dynamics of the coiled-coil motif, which consists of two helices which wrap around each other.

Fast Protein Folding Triggers

The absence of fast trigger methods for protein folding is one of the main obstacles for investigating the dynamics of the first steps of this process [21]. We have shown that photorelease of a nitrobenzyl group from the backbone of a modified peptide occurs on the nanosecond time scale, and thus could be used as fast trigger mechanism for protein folding [Abstract17]. Work on other trigger mechanisms is in preparation.

Roughness of the Protein Energy Landscape

The recombination dynamics of a UV-photolyzed non-native disulphide bond in a protein proves that the polypeptide backbone undergoes anomalous backbone diffusion behaviour [34, 31, 13]. Analysis of these data shows that the roughness of the protein’s energy landscape is of the order of 4-5 kBT.

Coil/Globule Transition of pNIPAm

poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) collapses from an extended coil state to a globular conformation when heated above the Lower Critical Solution Temperature or upon changes in pH, with a wide range of potential practical applications. We have investigated this coil/globule transition by FTIR spectroscopy and temperature jump/IR methods. The results indicate trapped water molecules inside pNIPAm globules and show structural changes occurring on the time scale of seconds in single chains of pNIPAm, whereas cross-linked pNIPAm shows much faster structural changes [Book12].

Stabilization of Insulin on Hydrophobic Surfaces

Insulin is prone to amyloid fibril formation, especially under the technologically important acidic conditions and in the presence of hydrophobic surfaces. Using ATR-FTIR and sum-frequency spectroscopy, we were able to show that even under these conditions insulin adsorbs in its native structure to both hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces, but converts to amyloid-like structures at elevated temperatures on hydrophobic surfaces [35].

Structure of Protein Variants

FTIR spectroscopy has been used to investigate the internal structure of different variants of the titin Z1 domain to show that its core structure remains intact upon the introduction of recognition sequences in a surface loop [30].








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