LIFE222 - Uganda fieldcourse

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Every Easter myself and colleagues take 2nd year students to Uganda on a tropical ecology field course. The course provides students with a hands-on experience studying all aspects of tropical ecology ranging from mist-netting and camera trapping through to human-wildlife conflict, forest dynamics and eco-tourism.

Kibale and Queen Elizabeth national parks - our home for 14 days - is famous for its primate diversity (12 species). But there are more than 600 bird species in the national parks we visit and many of the insects we see may not even described.

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My kind of teaching!

Feedback from the course:
“I learnt more during the two weeks on this field course than I have in any other 6 week module” (C111 student, 2009)

“I loved it. Each day is varied and interesting. I would recommend the course to anyone…..its added so much scope to my learning and helped me make decisions relating to my own future in research” (C111 student, 2009)

“Learning in the field is so much better than lectures and lab work” (C300 student 2010)

“Money well spent, experience of a lifetime. The trip was AMAZING” (C300 student 2011)

“The practical experience that this module provides is invaluable. Instead of just learning theory with tests in a lab you are learning then putting it into practice yourself” (C300 student 2012).

“ Not cuddled instead are allowed to find things out for yourself” (C300 student 2013)

“Best module ever and one of the best things I have ever done! The best way to make students love their work is to take them out in the field” (C300 student 2013)

LIFE213 - Evolutionary Biology

I also coordinate a 2nd year module on evolutionary biology that I teach with Prof. Greg Hurst, Dr Andrea Betancourt, Prof. Ilik Saccheri, Dr Michael Berenbrink and Prof. Steve Paterson

The aim of the course is to provide students with a modern framework for understanding how organisms evolve. The first part of the module focusses on microevolution. The second half of the module covers macroevolution. The course is a mixture of lectures, practical classes, online learning and self-assessment.

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