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Displays a
dialog box allowing you to change various parameters used by NIH Image.
Undo & Clipboard Buffer Size allows you to change the size of the two internal image buffers used by NIH Image. You must quit, and restart NIH Image before buffer size changes take effect. Note that increasing the size of these buffers decreases the amount of RAM available for opened images. For example, increasing the size from 300K to 1000K decreases the RAM available for images by 1400K. You can get around this problem, assuming your computer has enough RAM, by increasing NIH Image's memory allocation using the Finder's Get Info command. Creator for Exported Text specifies the four-character creator code that NIH Image uses for exported text files. This code determines which application is launched when you double click on an exported text file (e.g., measurements, profile plot data, XY coordinates). Use 'Imag' for NIH Image, 'XCEL' for Excel and 'QKPT' for KaleidaGraph. Pixel values resulting from filtering operations done using the Convolve command will be scaled to 8-bits if Scale Convolutions is checked, otherwise, they are clipped at 0 and 255. Checking Invert Pixel Values sets up an inverting linear density calibration function for all non-calibrated open images. This causes gray values displayed in the Info and Results windows, in density profile plots, and in histograms, to be inverted. Subsequent image windows created using New, Start Capturing, and the Import of 8-bit images, will inherit this inverting calibration function. |
Steve Barrett November 2014 |