BSG Annual Conference 2011
Abstract submission
Confirmed speakers
Travel information

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: rchiv(at)


University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

28th - 30th June 2011

Extreme events: shaping the surface of the Earth


Tuesday 28th June
10:00 10:45 Registration desk opens and refreshments
11:00 10.50 Welcome
10:50   Oral session
10:50 11:30 Jon Carrivick ~Impacts and dynamics of volcanically-generated jökulhlaups due to the 2010 Eyafjallajökull eruption
    A dripping tap: the long haul in evolution of the earth surface
11:30 11:50 Lucy Clarke ~Alluvial fan evolution: an experimental study exploring the importance of internal form-process feedbacks
11:50 12:10 Rebecca Hodge ~The role of spatial differences in surface sediment structure on pool-riffle maintenance: a test of the Differential Sediment Entrainment Hypothesis (DSEH).
12:10 12:30 Tim Lewis ~Soil Erosion and Seed Bank Dynamics within UK agro-ecosystems
12:30 13:00 Joseph Holden ~Holey ground: the role of natural pipes in peatland carbon and sediment dynamics (Warwick Medal Lecture)
13:00 14:00 Lunch and Posters
14:00   Magnitude and frequency in earth surface processes
14:00 14:20 David Favis-Mortlock ~The relative contribution of small and large events to soil erosion by water
14:20 14:40 Daniel Schillereff ~ British lakes as recorders of extreme flows
14:40 15:00 Samantha Ilot ~Using in situ cosmogenic dating to understand river capture related fluvial landscape development (Sorbas Basin, SE Spain)
15:00 15:20 David Peavot ~The Neogene evolution of the Ligurian Alps: did they know the Mediterranean had dried out?
15:20 15:40 Janet Hooke ~ Effects of event sequences on flood impacts in river systems.
15:40 16:00 Afternoon Coffee
16:00 17:00 Education sessions - BSG Resources Launch
1. Tom Coulthard ~ The Hull Floods of 2007.
2. Stuart McLelland ~ Tectonics and earth surface processes.
3. Andy Plater ~ Coastal Processes and Geomorphology
17:00 18:00 Drinks reception 


Wednesday 29th June
9:00 Registration desk opens
9:15   Magnitude and frequency in earth surface processes
9:15 9:55 Paul Carling ~Boredom and terror in fluvial systems
9:55 10:15 Wout Van Dijk ~Chute cut-offs in an experimental meandering river with constant discharge
10:15 10:35 Ann Rowan ~Quantifying climate-driven changes in effective drainage area between catchments in South Island, New Zealand, through glacial numerical modelling
10:35 10:55 Jamie Woodward ~Records of Big Nile Floods in Northern Sudan
10:55 11:15 Morning refreshments
11:15 11:45 John Lewin ~Enlightenment and the GM floodplain (Linton Medal Lecture)
11:45   Extremes continued....
11:45 12:25 Jeff Warburton ~ Fluvial system response to the extreme floods – the November 2009 Cumbria floods: business as usual or a sign of things to come?
12:25 12:45 Stephen Tooth ~Just how extreme can 'extreme' landscape-shaping events be?: giant meteorite impact, river superimposition, and mixed bedrock-alluvial anabranching in a UNESCO World Heritage site
12:45 14:30 Lunch and BSG AGM
14:30 15:30 Oral session
14:30 14:50 Colin Ballantyne ~The timing of paraglacial rock-slope failures: testing the exhaustion model using 10Be and 36Cl exposure dating
14:50 15:10 David Jarman ~Rock slope failure clusters as indicators of rapid landscape evolution: the paraglacial-parafluvial transition in the British uplands
15:10 15:30 Mark Macklin ~A 1646 year long field experiment to test Schumm and Parker's complex response model
15:30 15:50 Pete Downs ~Effectiveness of El Niño flood events in the metamorphosis of the lower Santa Clara River, Southern California
15.50-16.15 Afternoon coffee and poster presentations
16.15-17.15 Poster Presentations - Discussions
17.15-18.30 Frost Lecture, drinks reception
19.00 onwards BSG Awards and Conference Dinner
Poster Presentations Lukasz Pawlik ~The impact of catastrophic windthrow and tree uprooting on hillslopes in the Sudetes Mts., SW Poland, on the example of the Kyrill storm in 2007
Sue Dawson ~ Sedimentological and geomorphological coastal change: Jan 11th 2005 storm in the Outer Hebrides, northwest Scotland
Liz Whitfield ~The Kuzulu Landslide, NE Turkey: its evolution and impact on the associated fluvial system (2005-2008)
Hannah Evans ~Examining magnitude and frequency in UK landslide events: Examples from the North York Moors, Yorkshire, UK.
David Milan ~Geomorphic impact and system recovery following an extreme flood in an upland stream 
Ioana Persoiu ~Changes of Some?u Mic River's channel (Romania) in response to climatic variations over the past 2000 years
Martin Stokes ~Palaeoflood Hydrology of coarse grained Quaternary river terrace deposits (Río Almanzora, SE Spain 
Pengfei Li ~Modelling blanket peat erosion under future environmental change
Matthew Westoby ~Constructing high-resolution DTMs of breached moraine dam complexes using low-cost, close-range photogrammetry
Edwin Baynes ~The role of rainfall intensity, wind-speed and wind direction in controlling the wind-splash erosion of bare peat
Joanna Fidelus ~The effect of relief transformation within tourist footpaths and roads based on The Western Tatra Mountains in Poland
Jules Toone ~The roles of flood magnitude and frequency in shaping mixed bedrock-alluvial channel morphology on the Drôme River, France


Thursday 30th June
9:00 Registration desk opens
9:15 10:55 Extreme events continued....
9:15 9:55 Alastair Dawson ~Tsunami Geoscience
9:55 10:15 George Heritage ~Extreme flow impacts and morphologic self stabilisation in a dynamic moderate energy alluvial channel: Carradale Water, Scotland
10:15 10:35 Anne Mather ~Terrestrial catastrophic collapse of the hyper-arid Andean subduction zone
10:35 10:55 Kenneth Pye ~Estimation of risks associated with extreme coastal flooding events: statistical and geomorphological approaches
10:55 11:15 Morning refreshments
11:15 11:45 The Wiley Lecture
11:45 12:45 Extreme events continued....
11:45 12:25 Thomas Glade* ~ Landslide hazard and risks - new challenges of extremes
12:25 12:45 David Chester ~Reconstructing the impact of historic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the important lessons these hold for Improving resilience to future geophysical events
12:45 13:05 Heather Sangster ~Human Adjustments to the 1906 eruption of Vesuvius, Italy
13:05 14:00 Lunch and posters
14:00 15:30 Oral session
14:00 14:20 Kate Staines ~Landscape impacts of the 1999 jökulhlaup at Sólheimajökull, southern Iceland
14:20 14:40 Duncan Wishart ~The impact of high magnitude floods on an actively adjusting gravel-bed river - the Wooler Water, Northumberland.
14:40 15:00 Richard Lyons ~Luminescence dating to constrain the timing of erosion and sedimentation across the South African interior
15:00 15:20 Neil Macdonald ~ Reconstructing a Central England drought series
15:20 15:40 Synthesis: BSG Chair and Organisers


Poster presenters to be aware there is plenty of scope in the programme for discussion and there are formally timetabled slots for brief Oral presentations at the posters.


Sand storm over the Skeidarasandur


Sandstorm in the Sahara

Icefalls at Virkisjokull

Flows at Jokulsa

Eyjafjallajokull eruption 2010