University of Liverpool 28th - 30th June 2011 Extreme events: shaping the surface of the Earth
Confirmed speakers: Paul Carling* ~ Boredom and terror in fluvial systems Alistair Dawson* ~ Tsunami Geoscience Andy Russell, Jon Carrivick et al.* ~ Impacts and dynamics of volcanically-generated jökulhlaups due to the 2010 Eyafjallajökull eruption David Sear* ~ Extreme Floods: Hazards or opportunities for large scale river restoration? Thomas Glade* ~ Landslide hazard and risks - new challenges of extremes Colin Ballantyne and John Stone ~ The timing of paraglacial rock-slope failures: testing the exhaustion model using 10Be and 36Cl exposure dating * denotes invited keynote. The Linton Medal Lecture: John Lewin ~ Enlightenment and the GM Floodplain The Warwick Medal Lecture: Joseph Holden ~ Holey ground: the role of natural pipes in peatland carbon and sediment dynamics The Wiley-Blackwell Lecture: to be confirmed The Frost Lecture: to be confirmed