Ex graduate students from Clague/Urbé labs
Georgia Guilbert USP34. Moved to industry position with Artios Pharma.
Katy MacCarron VPS35 and LRRK2. Moved to post-doc with Maja Rudolovic and Harald Stenmark, University of Oslo.
Liam Pollock New insights into PINK1 and the TOM complex. Moved to post-doc with Claudio Joazeiro ZMBH, Heidelberg
Svetlana Telnova Control of immune checkpoint receptor stability
Francesca Frigenti AMSH regulation of Lys63-linked ubiquitin. Moved to post-doc position at University of Turin.
Francesco Barone mitophagy and pexophagy. Moved to post-doc with Richard Youle, NIH, USA.
Hannah Glover defining the microtubulome by differential extraction. Moved to post-doc at the Beatson Institute, Glasgow with Stephen Tait. .
Andreas Kallinos Mechanistic studies of USP30 and cell death pathways. Moved to post-doc at Medical Oncology laboratory, University of Amsterdam.
Jane Jardine USP30 regulation of the PINK1/Parkin pathway in flies and mammalian cells. Moved to post-doc at University of Nantes with Nicolas Bidère.
Douglas Grimes ESCRT-0 as a signaling co-ordinator.
Erithelgi Bertsoulaki Foundational studies of USP31. Stayed on for a post-doc and then moved to an industry position, currently with Astra Zeneca.
Aitor Martinez Flies and Parkinsons disease. Moved to post-doc position with Alex Whitworth at the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, Cambridge.
Alice Howarth role of USP8 in various aspects of cell signaling. Moved to post-doc with Marco Siccardi, University of Liverpool.
Wai Ying Yvonne Tang EGF withdrawal symptoms. Stayed on for a post-doc with us, now back in Malaysia.
Amos Liang role of the mitochondrial DUB USP30 in opposing Parkin function. Moved to Jacob Corn's lab., UC Berkeley then ETH, Zurich. Now group leader at MRC PPU, University of Dundee.
Ewan Macdonald USP8 control of retromer dependent membrane trafficking. Moved to Tobias Zech lab., University of Liverpool then Institut Curie, Paris.
Joe Sacco Influence of DUBs on PtdIns 3-kinase pathway. Our first medic, appointed Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool.
Jia Lih Wong characterised deubiquitylases linked to E-cadherin expression and developed DUB esiRNA library. Moved to a patent law office in Japan.
Monika Chojnowska characterised the role of AMSH and AMSH-LP in TGFß signaling. Moved on to Hilary Ashe's Lab., University of Manchester. then back to Liverpool with Natalia Sanchez Soriano.
Chris Thorne characterised isoform specific localisation of USP33. Moved on to Horizon Discovery Ltd., Cambridge. Now with Twist Bioscience, Cambridge.
Seb Hayes - DUB library, yeast two hybrid screens and MAPK signaling pathway. Moved on to Wade Harper's Lab., Harvard University. Currently Director In Vitro Pharmacology, Larkspur Biosciences.
Ricky Buus established a RNAi DUB screen for HGF induced cell scattering. Moved on to Marco Falasca's Lab. at Barts, London. Now at ICR, London.
Jane De Lartigue carried out studies on PIKfyve regulation of the endocytic pathway and WIPI2 involvement in autophagy. Moved on to Jon Scholey's Lab. at UC Davis.
John McCullough our first project on DUBs. Showed AMSH specificity and endosomal functions. Moved on to Wes Sundquist's Lab., University of Utah. Now Research Assistant Professor at University of Utah.
Stephanie Carter Met trafficking and signaling. Moved to Karen Vousden's Lab., Beatson Institute, Glasgow.
Donna Walker Characterised substrate specificity of the PI lipid phosphatase MTMR3.
Dean Hammond Characterised c-Met degradation pathway. Stayed on for post-doc, during which he established proteomics in our lab. Moved to Francis Barr's lab., University of Liverpool. Became group leader at University of Liverpool and then moved to an industry position.
Ian Prior Showed efficient uptake of neurotransmitter into nerve terminal clathrin coated vesicles. Developed novel method for detection of protein nitrosylation. Moved to Rob Parton's Lab. at Brisbane, Australia. Returned to Liverpool as a Royal Society Research Fellow. Now Professor, University of Liverpool.
Ian Mills Characterised the role of EEA1 in early endosome fusion. Moved to Harvey McMahon's lab. at the LMB, Cambridge. Previously an EMBL group leader at the Centre for Molecular Medicine, Oslo, now Professor at Queens University Belfast/University of Oxford.
Ex post-docs/RAs
Ailbhe Brazel developed CRISPR/Cas9 screens for mitophagy. Received a Marie Sklowdowska Curie fellowship to carry out research work at University of Maynooth, Ireland.
Elena Marcassa led studies on USP30 with respect to effects on basal mitophagy and pexophagy. Moved to Rupert Beale's laboratory at the Crick Institute, London.
Claire Heride USP21 and hedgehog pathway as well as critical contributions to USP7 inhibitor characterisation. Has continued in translational cancer research by moving to CRUK Therapuetic Discovery Laboratories.
Vicky Smith technical support on industry funded project. Moved to do a PhD at University of Nottingham.
Leila Rochin introduced us to melanocyte biology and studied the role of LRRK2. Moved back to Paris as post-doc in the laboratory of Francesca Giordano.
Dora Pedroso helped set up our contribution to DUBs alliance. Returned to Gulbenkian Institute, Lisbon.
Viktor Malec proteomic studies of the influence of VHL and hypoxia in renal clear cell carcinoma. Moved home to Czech Republic to reengage with pharmaceutical work.
Han Liu involved in many of our DUB characterisation studies including USP15. Further studies on ESCRT interactions. Moved to group leader position at Dalian Medical University, China.
Rebecca Eccles provided technical support on USP33 and initiated 3D cell culture project. Moved to study for a PhD with Oliver Rocks, Berlin. Currently on the editorial team at Molecular Cell.
Monica Faronato analysed functional role of DUBs with a view to target validation. Moved next door to Judy Coulson's lab.. Later research associate at Imperial College.
Rebecca Welchman continued studies of AMSH. Moved into science publishing.
Paula Row studies of USP8, regulation of ESCRT-0, moved to University of Swansea, where she is currently a senior lecturer.
Oscar Lorenzo systematic studies of Myotubularins. Moved back to Spain with a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship. Currently group leader at Universidad Autonomica de Madrid.
Patrick Gaffet role of PtdIns 3-kinase activity in ci-MPR trafficking. Moved back to University of Montpellier.
Arwyn Jones discovered a role for PtdIns 3-kinase in early endosome fusion. Moved on to Marianne Wessling-Resnick's lab. at Harvard University. Now Professor at Cardiff University.