My work was presented at the following meetings:
- CCP5 Annual Conference, London (September 2019). Talk: 'Combining porosity with flexibility in metal-organic frameworks'
- CECAM workshop "Accelerating material discovery by smart high-throughput computations", Liverpool (July 2019). Talk: 'Materials discovery through high-throughput calculations. Challenges and priorities'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, Harper Adams University (September 2016). Talk: 'Modelling adsorption and structural transformations in guest-adaptable porous materials'
- HPC Chemistry Consortium meeting, Cardiff (April 2016). Talk: 'Modelling Structural Transformations in Guest-Adaptable MOFs'
- British Zeolite Association 2016 Annual Meeting, Bath (March 2016). Talk: 'Chemical and Structural Stability of Zirconium-based Metal-Organic Frameworks with Large Three-Dimensional Pores'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, Harper Adams University (September 2014). Talk: 'Modeling structural transitions and adsorption in peptide-based porous materials'
- Symposium on Porous Molecules, Liverpool (June 2014). Poster: 'Side-chain control of porosity closure in single- and multiple-peptide-based porous materials by cooperative folding'
- Functional Inorganic Materials Symposium, Liverpool (September 2013). Poster: 'Multiscale modelling of peptide-based MOFs with adaptable porosity'
- Workshop on 'Shared Challenges in High Performance Computing and Multiscale Modelling', Liverpool (June 2013). Talk 'Modelling adsorption in flexible peptide-based MOFs'
- CNRS Workshop on Adsorption in Compliant Solids, Lyon (June 2013). Poster: 'Multiscale modelling of peptide-based MOFs with adaptable porosity'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, Huddersfield (September 2012). Talk: 'Modeling bulk and interface diffusion in biodegradable polymers'
- 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (November 2011). Talk: 'Multiscale modeling of biodegradable polymers for tissue engeneering'
- Research Seminar, Cambridge (October 2011). Talk 'Modelling biodegradable polymers for medical applications'
- CECAM workshop "Coarse-Graining Strategies and Methodologies for Polymeric and Biomolecular Assemblies", Lyon (July 2011). Poster: 'Strength reduction and chain dissolution at the polymer-solvent interface'
- Armourers and Brasiers' Cambridge Forum, Cambridge (June 2011). Poster: 'Strength reduction and chain dissolution at the polymer-solvent interface'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, Sheffield (September 2010). Talk: 'Mesoscopic simulations of cohesive granular systems using DL_POLY'
- Pfizer Symposium, Cambridge (July 2009). Talk: 'Multiscale simulation of pharmaceutical tabletting'
- IACM Coupled Problems 2009, Ischia, Italy (June 2009). Talk by J.A. Elliott: 'Multiscale modelling of pharmaceutical tablets'
- Pfizer meeting, Kent (December 2008). Talk: 'Discrete element simulation of powder compaction'
- Nanoproduction and Applications Workshop, Cambridge (April 2009). Invited talk: 'Modelling structural stability of nanoparticles'
- MRS 2008, Boston (December 2008). Talk by J.A. Elliott: 'Phase Behavior of Surface-adsorbed Polymers studied by Lattice Chain Modeling: Implications for Biomineralization'
- Research Seminar, Cambridge (May 2008). Talk 'Polymer adsorption or why cooked Spaghetti sticks to the wall'
- Consortium panel meeting, London (April 2008). Talk 'Thermodynamics of polymer adsorption on an attractive wall'
- MRS 2007, Boston (November 2007). Talk by J. Harding 'Models for the Nucleation and Growth of Calcium Carbonate'
- Euromat 2007, Nuremberg (September 2007). Talk: 'Thermodynamics of Polymer Adsorption: From a Flat Surface to a Solution of Interacting Nanoparticles'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, Cambridge (September 2007). Poster: 'Models for the nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate'
- CECAM workshop "Modelling the Interaction of Biomolecules with Inorganic Surfaces", Lyon (July 2007). Talk: 'Thermodynamics of adsorption in polymer-nanoparticle mixtures'
- MC8, London (July 2007). Poster: 'Models for the nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate'
- 21st Annual BLCS Conference (March 2007). Talk by D. J. Cleaver 'Molecular Simulation of the Gyroid Cubic Phase'
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark (February 2007). Talk: 'Coarse-grain simulations of polymers: gain of speed versus loss of accuracy'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, Bradford (September 2006). Talk: 'Mesoscale lattice modelling of polymeric solutions'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, University of Keel (September 2005). Poster: 'Development of a lattice model for mesoscopic simulations of polymer-nanoparticle assemblies'
- CCP5 Annual Conference, University of Sheffield (September 2004). Talk: 'Osmotic pressure calculation for dilute solutions of rod-like polyelectrolytes'
- CECAM seminar, Lyon (April 2004). Invited talk: 'Computational methods for calculating long-range electrostatic interactions'
- CECAM seminar, Lyon (April 2004). Talk: 'Incorporation of excluded volume effects into the Poisson-Boltzmann theory'
- NIC Winter School, Bonn (March 2004). Poster: 'Improving the Poisson-Boltzmann theory by including counterion correlations on a density functional level'
- NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Erice (July, 2003). Poster: 'Supramolecular periodic structures formed by rod-sphere aggregates'
- 19th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Edinburgh (July 2002). Poster: 'The role of attractive potentials in binary rod-sphere mixtures'
- Liquid Crystal Colloids IOP Workshop, SHU, Sheffield (April 2002). Talk: 'The microphase formation in rod-sphere mixtures'
- BLCS Annual Meeting, University College London (March 2002). Talk: 'The role of attractive potentials in binary rod-sphere mixtures'
- IOP Complex Fluids Group Winter School, University of Warwick (December 2001)
- CCP5 Annual Conference, University of Warwick (September 2001). Poster: 'Simulation of rod-sphere mixtures'
- Materials Chemistry Forum 'Molecular Topology in Liquid Crystals' (September 2001). Poster: 'Simulation of rod-sphere mixtures'
- Complex Fluids 2000 international conference, SHU, Sheffield (September 2000)
- CCP5 Summer School for Methods in Molecular Simulation, UMIST, Manchester (July 2000)