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Allows you to
saves the currently active image (or rectangular selection) in TIFF,
PICT or MacPaint) format, to save a stack in TIFF or PICS format, or to
save the current lookup table, selection outline, or text window.
TIFF Saves the
currently active image or stack to a file in uncompressed
8-bit TIFF format. You will be asked to enter a name for the new file.
The menu command changes to Save Selection As if a rectangular
selection is active, allowing you to save a subsection of the image.
Note that the ability to save selections does not work for stacks, but
there are macros available to get around this limitation. TIFF is the
default file format in Image, and is usually the best format for saving
digitized or scanned images.
PICT Saves the
currently active image to a PICT file. PICT files can be
exported to many other Mac programs, including Canvas, Photoshop,
SuperPaint and MacDraw. Because they are compressed, PICT files also
have the advantage of being more compact if the image contains large
homogeneous regions, which is typical of computer generated images.
Unfortunately, the run length compression scheme used with PICT files
is ineffective with most scanned images. You should avoid PICT files if
you are doing quantitative image analysis. The Mac imaging model is
most concerned with the color of each pixel, and does not care so much
about the actual pixel value. Thus PICT files cannot guarantee that the
pixel values remain fixed. TIFF is a machine and system independent
image standard that avoids this problem.
Steve Barrett November 2014 |