I give regular talks on oceanography to general audiences (e.g. SciBars, Cafe Scientifique) and schools. We often run exhibits at the Mersey River Festival, the Big Bang NW STEM event and the University of Liverpool STEM Masterclass week. Useful Videos: Have a look at this short video on the role of plankton in our climate. Look at this video for a view of life at sea on a research expedition. Here are 3 lab demonstrations of ocean processes that I use for Open Days and schools outreach: 1. What happens when a river meets the ocean? 2. Layers in the ocean (Mediterranean outflow example). 3. North Atlantic circulation and our climate. All of these videos are part of OceanClimateAtUoL. Below you can watch an inaugural lecture I gave at the University of Liverpool on December 5th 2024.
University of Liverpool Ocean Science Centenary
We have five posters available for teachers, which illustrate topics from A level biology, maths, geography and physics relevant to our teaching and research in oceanography. You can either download a pdf file to print them, or email me for copies (we have a limited number of poster sets that we can mail).