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* Hammond DE, Mageean CJ, Rusilowicz EV, Wickenden J, Clague MJ and Prior IA. Differential reprogramming of isogenic colorectal cancer cells by distinct activating KRAS mutations. J. Proteome Res. (2015) 14: 1535-46.
* Mageean CJ, Griffiths JR, Smith DL, Clague MJ and Prior IA. Absolute quantification of endogenous Ras isoform abundance. PLoS ONE in press
* Hernandez-Valladares M and Prior IA. Comparative proteomic analysis of compartmentalised Ras signalling networks. Scientific Reports in press
* Nixon F, Gutiérrez-Caballero C, Hood FE, Booth DG, Prior IA and Royle SJ. The mesh is a network of microtubule contacts that stabilizes individual kinetochore fibers of the mitotic spindle. eLife (2015) 4: e07635.
* Beckett AJ and Prior IA. Electron microscopy methods for studying plasma membranes. Methods in Membrane Lipids. (2015) 1232: 137-51
* Newlaczyl AU, Hood FE, Coulson JM and Prior IA. Decoding RAS isoform and codon-specific signalling. Biochem. Soc. Trans. (2014) 4:7426.
* Hernandez-Valladares M, Aran V and Prior IA. Quantitative proteomic analysis of compartmentalized signaling networks. Methods in Enzymology (2014) 535: 309-25
* Tang WYY, Beckett AJ, Prior IA, Coulson JM, Urbé S and Clague MJ. Plasticity of mammary cell boundaries governed by EGF and actin remodelling. Cell Reports (2014) 8: 1722-30.
* Balabanova S, Holmberg C, Steele I, Ebrahimi B, Rainbow L, Burdyga T, McCaig C, Tiszlavicz L, Lertkowit N, Giger OT, Oliver S, Prior I, Dimaline R, Simpson D, Beynon R, Hegyi P, Wang TC, Dockray GJ, Varro A. The neuroendocrine phenotype of gastric myofibroblasts and its loss with cancer progression. Carcinogenesis. (2014) 35:1798-806.
* Aran V and Prior IA. Compartmentalised Ras signalling differentially contributes to phenotypic outputs. Cellular Signalling (2013) 25: 1748-1753.
* Barcelo C, Paco N, Beckett AJ, Alvarez-Moya B, Gelabert M, Tebar F, Jaumot M, Prior I, Agell N. Oncogenic K-Ras segregates at spatially distinct plasma membrane signaling platforms according to its phosphorylation status. J. Cell Science (2013) 126: 4553-59.
* Song SP, Hennig A, Schubert K, Markwart R, Schmidt P, Prior IA, Böhmer FD, Rubio I. Ras palmitoylation is necessary for N-Ras activation and signal propagation in growth factor signalling. Biochem. J. (2013) 454:323-32
* Eisenberg S, Laude AJ, Beckett AJ, Mageean CJ, Aran V, Hernandez-Valladares
M, Henis YI and Prior IA. The role of palmitoylation in regulating
Ras localization and function. Biochem. Soc. Trans. (2013) 41:79-83
* Cheeseman LP, Harry EF, McAinsh AD, Prior IA and Royle SJ Specific
removal of TACC3/ch-TOG/clathrin at metaphase deregulates kinetochore
fiber tension. J Cell Sci (2013) 126: 2102-2113
* Koldkjaer P, McDonald MD, Prior I and Berenbrink M. Pronounced in vivo hemoglobin polymerization in red blood cells of Gulf toadfish. A general role for hemoglobin aggregation in vertebrate hemoparasite defence? Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. (2013) 305:R1190-9
* Bilcliff PG, Rollason R, Prior IA, Owen DM, Gaus K and Banting
G. CD317/Tetherin is an organiser of membrane microdomains. J Cell
Sci (2013) 126: 1553-1564
* Booth DG, Cheeseman LP, Prior IA*, Royle SJ*, Studying kinetochore-fiber
ultrastructure using correlative light-electron microscopy. Microtubules
Methods in Cell Biology ed. Methods in Cell Biology, ed. L.Wilson
and J. Correia. 2013: Elsevier.
* Omerovic J, Hammond DE, Prior IA* and Clague MJ*. A global snap-shot of the influence of endocytosis upon EGF receptor signalling output. J. Proteome Res. (2012) 11:5157-66
* Prior IA, Lewis PD and Mattos C. A comprehensive survey of Ras
mutations in cancer. Cancer Research (2012) 72: 2457-6.
* Prior IA and Hancock JF. Ras trafficking, localization and compartmentalized
signalling. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. (2012) 23: 145-53
* Duchesne L, Octeau V, Bearon RN, Stewarts P Beckett A, Prior IA,
Lounis B and Fernig DG. Heparin sulphate determines the multiple
modes of diffusion for Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 within the pericellular
matrix. PLoS Biology (2012) Jul; 10 (7):e1001361.
* Eisenberg S, Beckett AJ, Prior IA, Dekker FJ, Hedberg C, Waldmann
H, Ehrlich M and Henis YI. Mol. Cell Biol. (2011) 31: 3938-52
* Cheeseman LP, Booth DG, Hood FE, Prior IA and Royle SJ. Aurora
A kinase activity is required for localization of TACC3/ch-TOG/clathrin
intermicrotubule bridges. Commun. Integr. Biol. (2011)
4: 409-12
* Booth DG, Hood FE, Prior IA and Royle SJ. A TACC3/ch-TOG/clathrin
complex stabilzes kinetochore fibres by inter-microtubule bridging.
EMBO J. (2011) 30: 906-919
* Rodriguez-Lorenzo L, Krpetic Z, Barbosa S, Alvarez-Puebla RA,
Liz-Marzán LM, Prior IA and Brust M. Intracellular mapping with
SERS-encoded gold nanostars. Integr. Biol. (2011) 3: 922-6
* Krpetic Z, Nativo P, Prior IA and Brust M. Acrylate facilitated
celular uptake of gold nanoparticles. Small (2011) 7: 1982-6
* Krpetic Z, Saleemi S, Prior IA, Sée V, Qureshi R and Brust M.
Negotiation of intracellular barriers by TAT-modified gold nanoparticles.
ACS Nano (2011) 5: 5195-5201
* Meng X, Seton H, Lu LT, Prior IA, Thanh NTK and Song B. Magnetic
CoPt nanoparticles as MRI contrast agents for transplanted neural
stem cells detection. Nanoscale (2011) 3: 977-84.
Selected earlier publications
* Laude AJ and Prior IA. Ras isoform palmitoylation and localisation is modulated by the hypervariable linker domain. J. Cell Science (2008) 121: 421-7
* Omerovic J, Hammond DE, Clague MJ and Prior IA. Ras isoform abundance and signalling in human cancer cell lines. Oncogene (2008) 27: 2754-62
* Nativo P, Prior IA and Brust M. Uptake and intracellular fate of surface-modified gold nanoparticles. ACS Nano (2008) 2: 139-1644
* Sherwood MW, Prior IA, Voronina SG, Barrow SL, Woodsmith JD, Gerasimenko OV, Petersen OH and Tepikin AV. Activation of trypsinogen in large endocytic vacuoles of pancreatic acinar cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2007) 104:5674-9.
* Hancock JF and Prior IA. Electron microscopic imaging of Ras signaling
domains. Methods (2005) 37:165-72
* Rotblat B, Prior IA, Muncke C, Parton RG, Kloog Y, Henis YI and
Hancock JF. Three separable domains regulate GTP-dependent association
of H-ras with the plasma membrane. Mol. Cell Biol. (2004)
* Laude AJ and Prior IA. Plasma membrane microdomains: organization,
function and trafficking (Review). Molecular Membrane Biology (2004) 21:193-205.
* Prior IA, Muncke C, Parton RG and Hancock JF. Direct visualization
of Ras proteins in spatially distinct cell surface microdomains. J. Cell Biol. (2003) 160: 165-70.
* Prior IA and Hancock JF. Compartmentalization of Ras proteins. J. Cell Science. (2001) 114:1603-8.
* Prior IA, Harding A, Yan J, Sluimer J, Parton RG and Hancock JF.
GTP-dependent segregation of H-ras from raft domains is required
for efficient Raf activation. Nature Cell Biol. (2001)
* Prior IA and Clague MJ. Detection of thiol modification following
generation of reactive nitrogen species: analysis of synaptic vesicle
proteins. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. (2000) 1475:281-286.
* Apolloni A, Prior IA, Lindsay M, Parton RG and Hancock JF. H-ras
but not K-ras traffics to the plasma membrane through the exocytic
pathway. Mol. Cell Biol. (2000) 20:2475-87.
* Prior IA and Clague MJ. Glutamate uptake occurs at an early stage
of synaptic vesicle recycling. Curr. Biol. (1997) 7:353-6.