Other projects

This page gives brief details of work on some other projects

Asprochaliko, Greece

Klithi, Greece

Mweya, Uganda

Sanghao Cave, Pakistan



Asprochaliko rockshelter


Asprochaliko, Greece

Rockshelter overlooking the Louros Valley in NW Greece, dated by Thermoluminescence and radiocarbon as part of the Klithi project.

Huxtable, J., Gowlett, J.A.J., Bailey, G.N., Carter, P.L. and Papaconstantinou, V. 1992.  Thermoluminescence dates and a new analysis of the early Mousterian from Asprochaliko. Current Anthropology 33,1, 109-114.

Gowlett, J.A.J. and Carter, P.L. 1997.  The basal Mousterian of Asprochaliko rockshelter, Louros Valley.  In Bailey, G. (ed.) Klithi: Palaeolithic settlement and Quaternary landscapes in northwest Greece.. Vol  2. Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp 441-457.

Gowlett, J.A.J. 1999.  The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic, transition problems and hominid species: Greece in broader perspective. In Bailey, G.N., Adam, E., Panagopoulou, E., Perles, C. and Zachos, K. (eds) The Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and adjacent areas. Proceedings of the ICOPAG Conference, Ioannina 1994.  Athens: British School at Athens Studies 3, pp 43-58.

Klithi, Greece

Gowlett, J.A.J., Hedges , R.E.M. and Housley, R.A. 1997. Klithi: the AMS radiocarbon dating programme for the site and its environs.  In Bailey, G. (ed.) Klithi: Palaeolithic settlement and Quaternary landscapes in northwest Greece. Vol 1: Excavation and intra-site analysis at Klithi. Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp 27-39.

Above: View across the Voidomatis Valley, Klithi rockshelter at centre.

Below: The Kazinga Channel near Mweya

Mweya, Uganda

Pleistocene sediments outcrop extensively along the Kazinga Channel in western Uganda. The paper gives a date for about 90,000 for oyster shells found with Middle Stone Age artefacts.

Brown, T., Latham, A.G., Gowlett, J.A.J. and Luboga, S. 1997. Uranium Series dating of fossil Nile oyster from a Palaeolithic site, Mweya, Uganda. In Sinclair, A., Slater, E. and Gowlett, J. (eds) Archaeological Sciences 1995. Proceedings of a conference on the application of scientific techniques to the study of archaeology. Oxbow Monographs Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp 174-181.


Sanghao, Pakistan

The rockshelter of Sanghao has an impressive setting in a valley near Mardan in northern Pakistan. it was redated by radiocarbon following resampling in an expedition led by R.J. Knox of the British Museum and F.Khan, University of Peshawar.

Khan, F. and Gowlett, J.A.J. 1997. Age-depth relationships in the radiocarbon dates from Sanghao Cave, Pakistan. In Archaeological Sciences 1995. Proceedings of a conference on the application of scientific techniques to the study of archaeology. Oxbow Monographs 64. Oxbow Books, Oxford, 182-187.

Right: View of Sanghao Cave

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