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Electron diffraction, PJ
Goodhew, Inst of Metals Software Series - BBC Version 1985 - PC Versions
1987-1999 |
2 |
Dislocations, FJ Humphreys
and PJ Goodhew ibid - BBC Version 1985 - PC Version 1988 |
3 |
Electron Energy Levels, PJ
Goodhew ibid - BBC Version 1986 |
4 |
X-ray, Auger and Laser
Emission (PC Version) - PC Versions 1987-88 |
5 |
The transmission electron
microscope, PJ Goodhew ibid - BBC Version 1987 - PC Versions 1987 - 1989
6 |
Analysis in the Electron
Microscope, PJ Goodhew, G Cliff & FJ Humphreys, ibid - BBC Version 1990 -
PC Version 1.0 1990 |
7 |
Semiconductor Junctions, P J
Goodhew, Institute of Materials Software Series - PC Versions 1991-1993
8 |
Introduction to electrons in
crystals, P J Goodhew & A M Green, MATTER module, published Institute of
Materials 1995 |
9 |
Materials Science on CD-ROM,
Ed P J Goodhew, Chapman & Hall 1996 |
10 |
Materials Science on CD-ROM,
version 2.1, ed P J Goodhew, Liverpool University Press 1998 |
Please click below for papers published
by Peter on
Education, Semiconductors, Electron Microscopy, Gas
Bubbles, Lighthearted Articles and Other Miscellaneous Papers
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