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Research Activities

A number of research activities were carried out to give the students a broad experience of aerospace related research. The students operated in groups of 5 (Wilbur, Orville, Chanute, Lillienthal, Curtiss and Langley), supported by a mentor and developed their own aircraft modifications based on these activities. 

E1: Planning of flight tests - students will split into their teams and using the information packages given to them, will pick one of the proposed geographical test sites (using the terrain maps and real weather forecast) and design the flight test trials.

E2: Control laboratory - design of a flight control system for the unstable 1903 aircraft. The system was then tested out using the Flybox.



E3: Materials testing - a range of materials will be tested (different types of wood, aluminium, steel) to assess their suitability to be included in the aircraft structure (material properties will be determined). 

E4: Wind tunnel tests - each group carried out lift/drag measurements on a Wright aerofoil 









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