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Flight Science & Technology Research Group |
Flight Envelope Expansion through Modelling and Simulation |
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extent to which modelling and simulation (M&S) can support the
qualification/certification process depends on the fidelity of the
M&S tools and facilities. Until relatively recently, the
fidelity of M&S tools has been considered satisfactory to guide
the testing (e.g. Ref 1) but inadequate for reducing flight test
hours in such aspects as flight envelope expansion, e.g. critical
azimuth testing, external load clearance. This project specifically
addresses the fidelity aspects of M&S in flight envelope
expansion and aims to develop a suite of tools, using the latest
simulation techniques, of a direct assistance in this process. Of
particular interest is the use of inverse simulation methods to
predict the manoeuvre
performance requirements and task workload when flying mission task
elements (MTEs) (Ref 2). The concept of inverse simulation is not
new, and involves prescribing the flight path or manoeuvre
required to be flown and the resulting output is the prediction of
the pilot control activity and uncontrolled states. If the
manoeuvre is prescribed very tightly or requires high performance from the
aircraft, then there is a risk that the inverse pilot will not be
able to cope with the task and excursions outside the OFE/SFE or
pilot-induced-instabilities can result (Ref 3). The
project will use recent developments in inverse simulation,
particularly the SYCOS algorithm (SYnthesis through COnstrained
Simulation) (Ref 4) to develop new procedures for supporting flight
envelope expansion. The SYCOS pilot model originated as an off-line
(desk top) simulation technique to evaluate rotorcraft performance
and handling qualities in standard manoeuvres such as the MTEs of
ADS33 (Ref 1). The outstanding factor of SYCOS above other inverse
simulation techniques is the ability of the model to respond to
disturbances (such as atmospheric turbulence) and constraints (such
as control limits) in a realistic human manner, where as pure
inverse simulation did not. In addition, pure inverse simulation
does not capture the compromises and trade-offs that a human pilot
makes when task demands are escalated, as they are at the limits of
the OFE. In application, the model has proved to be a significant
and reliable tool for piloting state-of-the-art rotorcraft
simulation. The
flight simulator in the University of
Liverpool Flight Simulation Laboratory (FSL) will be used
extensively in conjunction with SYCOS as the Blackhawk, Lynx and
Bo105 helicopters are tested over ADS-33 based MTEs, enabling a
direct comparison between a range of off-line and piloted test
results. The
areas of innovation in the project include:
All pages © The University of Liverpool, 2003 | Last reviewed 04/02/2004 . Disclaimer. |