VITAL support for students

How to submit work to a Turnitin assignment
View your Turnitin feedback and grades
How to submit work to a VITAL assignment (non-Turnitin)
View your Blackboard assignment grades and feedback
Find your VITAL test grades and feedback

How to submit work to a Turnitin assignment.

Turnitin is an assignment submission tool in VITAL which allows your tutor to: collect work electronically, carry out text-matching searches (Originality-Checking), grade and feedback on your work electronically for a paperless assignment process. Your school or department will let you know how they expect you to submit to Turnitin and the guides below tell you about the three-step submission process and some of the other features of Turnitin you will find useful.

This is a full, written, step-by-step guide to Turnitin and submitting your work: How to submit an assignment to Turnitin Full Guide (Adobe PDF file).

This is a shorter, written, step-by-step guide to the basic process if submitting work. How to submit an assignment to Turnitin Quick Guide (Adobe PDF file).

This short video introduces the three-step submission process in Turnitin and is a good starting point if you've not seen Turnitin before.

This video gives you a tour of some of the other features in Turnitin you will find useful, like being able to print out your digital receipt and see marking schemes before you submit.

Finally, this is a very quick recap video on the three step process for people who are familiar with using Turnitin.

See your Turnitin feedback and grades

Feddback Studio is the part of Turnitin that can be used by your tutors to mark and offer feedback on your work electronically, rather than marking work by hand and returning paper copies. Any work submitted through Turnitin can be marked using Feedback Studio and your tutor will tell you if this is the case.

This written guide Find and read your Turnitin feedback (pdf file) shows you how to find and read the different kinds of feedback on Turnitin assignments once the set date for receiving the marked work has arrived. This step-by-step guide tells you what the different types of feedback comment are and how to print our save a copy.

This short film shows you where to find your Turnitin feedback and how to access it in your VITAL modules.

This film is a guide to how to read the different kinds of Turnitin feedback  available, such as bubble comments and Rubric cards. Your tutor will tell which kinds of feedback they will be using to mark your assignment.

How to submit work to a VITAL assignment (non-Turnitin).

The 'Assignment' tool is also for you to upload and submit your coursework electronically into a VITAL module. This is different to the Turnitin Assignmnent (see above). Your module tutors will set this tool up in VITAL and give you information about due dates etc. Please however ensure (particularly if you are submitting off-campus)  that you have plenty of time to submit your coursework before the due date in case your browser or Internet connection fails.

This is a short film about how to submitting to an Assignment (2m 43s).

Check your Blackboard assignment grades and feedback

For non-Turnitin assignments there are a couple of ways of checking your grades and feedback. One method is from your VITAL homepage in the Tools panel you will see a link My Grades, which will take you to a page which lets you see and explore all of your modules and any grades or feedback available. A second method is from the dropdown menu accessed by clicking the area inthe top-right of the VITAL screen where your name appears and selecting the My Grades icon from wherever you are in VITAL.

This written guide gives you step-by-step detail on all of the ways of getting your feedback and grades: How to see grades and feedback for Blackboard tests and assignments.

Alternatively you can watch this film on checking your grades to find out more. (2 minute 30 second online video)

Find your VITAL test grades and feedback

This written guide gives you step-by-step detail with screenshots on all of the ways of getting your VITAL test feedback and grades: How to find VITAL test grades and feedback.

This video is a quick guide to the two main ways of finding the My Grades area in VITAL. It then describes how to access feedback on a test and a third method for finding your test score and feedback.

Other institutional guidance and support on feedback

The iLearn site Improving Learning section contains resources on learning from feedback:

Look out for Library KnowHow skills sessions on learning from feedback: