A Darwin Initiative Project: Biodiversity of Ghana's Rivers

Toolkits for the sustainable management of Ghana’s riverine biodiversity



Bibliography - Some Relevant Papers 1961 - 2006

Please NOTE
This bibliography will be developed as the project progresses. It should NOT be considered to be comprehensive
  1. Abban, E. K. and J. Samman (1980). "Preliminary-Observations on the Effect of the Insect Larvicide Abate on Fish Catches in the River Oti, Ghana." Environmental Pollution Series a-Ecological and Biological 21(4): 307-311.
  2. Adimado, A. A. and D. A. Baah (2002). "Mercury in human blood, urine, hair, nail, and fish from the Ankobra and Tano river basins in Southwestern Ghana." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 68(3): 339-346.
  3. Aryeetey, M. E., C. Aholu, et al. (1999). "Health education and community participation in the control of urinary schistosomiasis in Ghana." East African Medical Journal 76(6): 324-329.
  4. Aryeetey, M. E., Y. Wagatsuma, et al. (2000). "Urinary schistosomiasis in southern Ghana: 1. Prevalence and morbidity assessment in three (defined) rural areas drained by the Densu river." Parasitology International 49(2): 155-163.
  5. Asomaning, G. (1992). "Groundwater Resources of the Birim Basin in Ghana." Journal of African Earth Sciences 15(3-4): 375-384.
  6. Babut, M., R. Sekyi, et al. (2003). "Improving the environmental management of small-scale gold mining in Ghana: a case study of Dumasi." Journal of Cleaner Production 11(2): 215-221.
  7. Bannerman, W., M. Potin-Gautier, et al. (2003). "Mercury and arsenic in the gold mining regions of the Ankobra River basin in Ghana." Journal De Physique Iv 107: 107-110.
  8. Biney, C. A. (1990). "A Review of Some Characteristics of Fresh-Water and Coastal Ecosystems in Ghana." Hydrobiologia 208(1-2): 45-53.
  9. Bonzongo, J. C., A. K. Donkor, et al. (2003). "Environmental impacts of mercury related to artisanal gold mining in Ghana." Journal De Physique Iv 107: 217-220.
  10. Braimoh, A. K. (2006). "Random and systematic land-cover transitions in northern Ghana." Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 113(1-4): 254-263.
  11. Desole, G., S. Accorsi, et al. (1992). "Distribution and Severity of Onchocerciasis in Southern Benin, Ghana and Togo." Acta Tropica 52(2-3): 87-97.
  12. Donkor, A. K., J. C. Bonzongo, et al. (2006). "Mercury in different environmental compartments of the Pra River Basin, Ghana." Science of the Total Environment 368(1): 164-176.
  13. Donkor, A. K., J. C. J. Bonzongo, et al. (2005). "Heavy metals in Sediments of the gold mining impacted Pra River Basin, Ghana, West Africa." Soil & Sediment Contamination 14(6): 479-503.
  14. Ecoutin, J. M., J. J. Albaret, et al. (2005). "Length-weight relationships for fish populations of a relatively undisturbed tropical estuary: The Gambia." Fisheries Research 72(2-3): 347-351.
  15. Faure, A. (2003). "Improving public information about large hydroelectric dams: Case studies in France and West Africa." Natural Resources Forum 27(1): 32-41.
  16. Gilles, H. M. and K. Awadzi (1991). "The Conquest of River-Blindness." Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 85(1): 97-101.
  17. Golow, A. A. and L. C. Mingle (2003). "Mercury in river water and Sediments in some rivers near Dunkwa-On-Offin, an alluvial goldmine, Ghana." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70(2): 379-384.
  18. Hugueny, B. and C. Leveque (1994). "Fresh-Water Fish Zoogeography in West-Africa - Faunal Similarities between River Basins." Environmental Biology of Fishes 39(4): 365-380.
  19. Hynes, J. D. (1975). "Annual Cycles of Macro-Invertebrates of a River in Southern Ghana." Freshwater Biology 5(1): 71-83.
  20. Hynes, J. D. (1975). "Downstream Drift of Invertebrates in a River in Southern Ghana." Freshwater Biology 5(6): 515-531.
  21. Joiris, C. R., M. I. Azokwu, et al. (1998). "Mercury in the bivalve Anadara (Senila) senilis from Ghana and Nigeria." Science of the Total Environment 224(1-3): 181-188.
  22. Kennedy, J. F. (1961). "United-States Ready to Join with Ghana in Volta River Project." Department of State Bulletin 45(1152): 153-154.
  23. Kita, Y. and M. Kato (2004). "Phylogenetic relationships between disjunctly occurring groups of Tristicha trifaria (Podostemaceae)." Journal of Biogeography 31(10): 1605-1612.
  24. Kouamelan, P. E., G. G. Teugels, et al. (2000). "Feeding habits of Mormyrops anguilloides (Mormyridae) in lacustrine and riverine habitats of a West African basin." Cybium 24(1): 67-79.
  25. Kutin, K., T. F. Kruppa, et al. (2004). "Efficiency of Simulium sanctipauli as a vector of Onchocerca volvulus in the forest zone of Ghana." Medical and Veterinary Entomology 18(2): 167-173.
  26. Ly, C. K. (1980). "The Role of the Akosombo Dam on the Volta River in Causing Coastal Erosion in Central and Eastern Ghana (West-Africa)." Marine Geology 37(3-4): 323-332.
  27. Martin, N. and N. van de Giesen (2005). "Spatial distribution of groundwater production and development potential in the Volta River basin of Ghana and Burkina Faso." Water International 30(2): 239-249.
  28. Nyarko, B. J. B., D. Adomako, et al. (2006). "Biomonitoring of atmospheric trace element deposition around an industrial town in Ghana." Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75(9): 954-958.
  29. Obiri, S., D. K. Dodoo, et al. (2006). "Non-cancer health risk assessment from exposure to cyanide by resident adults from the mining operations of Bogoso gold limited in Ghana." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 118(1-3): 51-63.
  30. Osei-Atweneboana, M. Y., M. D. Wilson, et al. (2001). "Temephos-resistant larvae of Simulium sanctipauli associated with a distinctive new chromosome inversion in untreated rivers of south-western Ghana." Medical and Veterinary Entomology 15(1): 113-116.
  31. Resh, V. H., C. Leveque, et al. (2004). "Long-term, large-scale biomonitoring of the unknown: Assessing the effects of insecticides to control river blindness (Onchocerciasis) in West Africa." Annual Review of Entomology 49: 115-139.
  32. Rubin, J. A., C. Gordon, et al. (1998). "Causes and consequences of mangrove deforestation in the Volta estuary, Ghana: Some recommendations for ecosystem rehabilitation." Marine Pollution Bulletin 37(8-12): 441-449.
  33. Samman, J. and M. P. Thomas (1979). "Observations on the Effect of the Aerial Spraying of Abate, Used in the Control of Simulium Larvae, on the Drift Rates of Microcrustacea and Chaoboridae in the River Oti, Ghana." International Journal of Environmental Studies 14(1): 43-47.
  34. Stevenson, P. (1999). "Accra - Vision is failing for river-blindness control in Ghana." Lancet 354(9196): 2143-2143.
  35. Swaine, M. D., J. Adomako, et al. (2006). "Forest river plants and water quality in Ghana." Aquatic Botany 85(4): 301-310.
  36. Taylor, J. C., N. van de Giesen, et al. (2006). "West Africa: Volta discharge data quality assessment and use." Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42(4): 1113-1126.
  37. Tetteh, I. K., E. Awuah, et al. (2006). "Post-project analysis: The use of a network diagram for environmental evaluation of the Barekese Dam, Kumasi, Ghana." Environmental Modeling & Assessment 11(3): 235-242.
  38. Thorne, R.; Williams, W.P.; Gordon, C. 2000. The macroinvertebrates of a polluted stream in Ghana. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 15(2): 209-217.
  39. Wilson, M. D., R. A. Cheke, et al. (2002). "Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo." Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96(6): 632-639.
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Original material is Copyright University of Liverpool, 2006, 7

Page last reviewed : 16/01/2007