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Earth Sciences @ Liverpool


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O'Hare, D. & Mackenzie, D. M. 2004 Advances in Computer Aided Assessment. Staff and Educational Development Association Ltd, Birmingham, UK.

Hatton, S., Wooff, C., Byrne, S. & Boyle, A. P., 2002. The use of PGP to provide secure email delivery of CAA results. In: 6th International CAA Conference (ed Danson, M.), University of Loughborough.

Boyle, A. P., 2002. A reflective study on the use of CAA to test knowledge and understanding of mineralogy. In: 6th International CAA Conference (ed Danson, M.), University of Loughborough.

Boyle, A. P., Edwards, D. J., Mackenzie, D. M., Mills, B., O'Hare, D., Morris, E. C., Paul, C. R. C., Wilkins, H. & Williams, D. W., 2000. Developments in on-line assessment - experiences and evaluation of using TRIADS and its potential for assessment in Electrical Engineering. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 37(1), 74-85.

Butler, J. C. & Mackenzie, D. M., 1999. Another node on the InterNet. Computers & Geosciences, 25, 299-300.
Edwards, D. & Boyle, A. P., 1999. Evaluation: the TRIADS experience. FDTL/TLTP Projects News Bulletin, 2, 2-3.

Boyle, A. P. & Paul, C. R. C., 1998. Benchmarking subject learning outcomes: Earth Science case study. In: Pilot Studies in benchmarking assessment practice (ed Jackson, N. J.), pp. 62-66, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, London.

Boyle, A. P., Paul, C. R. C. & Morris, E. C., 1998. Integrating UKESCC modules into first year tutorials - experiences in promoting self-directed learning and the development of IT skills. In: UKESCC Annual Users' Meeting 1998 (eds Sowerbutts, W. T. & Mackenzie, D. M.), University of Derby.

Boyle, A. P., Paul, C. R. C. P. & Morris, E. C., 1998. Using computer-based assessment to test independent learning. In: UK Geosciences Education Symposium: Assessment in the New Millennium (ed King, H.), University of Birmingham.

Paul, C. R. C. & Boyle, A. P., 1998. Computer-based assessment in palaeontology. In: Computer-assisted assessment in science education: case studies in science and computing (eds Charman, D. & Elmes, A.), pp. 51-56, University of Plymouth.

Boyle, A. P., Bryon, D. N. & Paul, C. R. C., 1997. Computer-based learning and assessment: a palaeontological case study with outcomes and implications. Computers and Geosciences, 23(5), 573-580.

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Alan Boyle
Date Last Modified: 3/12/04