Gas-liquid flow visualization
The intermittent gas-liquid flow is
characterized by high pressure and flow rate fluctuations, so that an extremely
careful design of the pipeline components (valves, orifices, etc.) is
required; unfortunately, very little is known about the flow structure
inside such devices, so that very often they turn out to be not so
efficient as those used for single-phase flow. Although the instantaneous
visualization of the whole flow field gives the most detailed information
about the flow structure, the deduction of the overall flow behavior is often difficult: therefore, sometimes a
time average flow structure representation can be much more useful.
The experiments were carried out on
air-water flow at atmospheric pressure and temperature in a horizontal pipe
with a sharp-edged sudden area contraction with inner diameters of 0.08 m
upstream of the contraction and 0.06 m downstream, so that the area ratio
was 0.56; the pipe geometry is schematically depicted in figure 1. Single fiber optical probes were introduced into the test
section at a distance from the inlet where the flow could be considered
fully developed. Thanks to micrometric screws, the probe could move along
the diameter of the pipe cross-section (figure 2); by rotating the pipe
around its axis, it was possible to reach any point of the cross-section.
The instrument returns a DC binary output,
which was sampled at a frequency of 1 MHz by a digital data acquisition
system; this binary output represents the so-called phase density function.The phase density function Pg,
measured by the optical probes, cannot adequately represent the flow
structure because of its fluctuations; more useful is the so-called local
void fraction eg, which comes from Pg after time averaging:
where T is the measurement duration. As shown in figure 3, if T is large
enough eg becomes a steady quantity, so that the
values measured in different positions can be compared with one another.
In order to reconstruct the flow structure, the void fraction distribution
over the whole pipe cross-section is required. Since the pipe geometry and
the action of the gravity force cause the flow to be symmetrical with
respect to the vertical, the void fraction was measured only in 60 points
uniformly distributed over half cross-section: the probes were moved in
steps of 0.075 i.d. along five diameters with
angular spacing of 20°. The local void fraction was measured in seven
cross-sections of the horizontal pipe, which were placed 27.5, 15, 1.1
diameters upstream and 1.2, 6, 20, 48 diameters downstream of the
contraction; this choice allowed a description of the contraction effects
on the flow structure along the whole pipe: in particular, one
cross-section was placed 1.2 diameters downstream, where the vena contracta can be observed in single-phase flow and is
supposed to exist in two-phase flow.
The experiments were performed with a constant liquid
mass flow rate of 3 kg/s and a gas fraction of volume flow ranging from 0.23
to 0.87; according to the Mandhane flow pattern
map these flow conditions are located across the transition boundary
between the plug flow regime and the slug flow regime.
The local void fraction distribution
provides a time average description of the flow structure over a given
cross-section. The cross-sectional area occupied by the gas grows with the
gas fraction of volume flow, but the two quantities are not proportional,
so that the gas and the liquid have different velocities. Figure 4 shows
the flow structure evolution upstream of the sudden contraction (above) and
in the downstream pipe (below), for a gas fraction of volume flow equal to
0.52. As it was expected, the larger amount of gas flows in the upper
region of the pipe: the void fraction is maximum in the highest point of
the pipe cross-section, and monotonically decreases as one moves downwards, until a region occupied only by the
liquid is reached. The flow structure is always stratified, that is, the
points of the pipe cross-section in which the void fraction has the same
value are placed along almost horizontal lines: this means that the gravity
force, which keeps the two phases separated, is prevailing on turbulence,
which is responsible for their mixing.
The sudden contraction considerably affects
the gas distribution in both the upstream and the downstream pipe, and its
effect grows more and more as the flow approaches the singularity. The
obstacle encountered by the flow causes the level of the incompressible
phase in the stratified region between two slugs to raise, so that the
cross-sectional area available for the gas flow gets smaller; this can be
observed for a gas fraction of volume flow up to about 70%, when the gas
flow rate becomes too large to allow an area reduction.
In the downstream pipe, the situation is symmetrical to the upstream pipe,
from a qualitative standpoint: the area available on average for the gas
flow is minimum just after the fitting, and grows
as the flow goes on. Indeed, a migration of the air towards the lower part
of the cross-section can be noticed. Far away from the contraction, the
void fraction keeps almost constant in the upper part of the pipe, and
abruptly slopes down to zero in the lower part: this is due to the fact
that in this cross-section plug or slug flow patterns are well established,
and no more feel the contraction influence. The same things can be observed
in the cross-section 27.5 diameters upstream. The change in flow structure
along the downstream duct is accompanied by a deceleration of the lower
density phase; hence a void fraction increase and a velocity ratio decrease
can be observed. Figure 5 compares the two cross-sections placed 1.1
diameters upstream and 1.2 diameters downstream, for two different values
of the gas fraction of volume flow: the iso-voidage
lines show how the percentage of the cross-sectional area occupied by the
liquid is higher in the downstream duct, while the gas is pushed upwards.
The observed behavior of the two-phase mixture
after the sharp-edged abrupt contraction suggest that a vena contracta similar to that of single-phase flows is
unlikely to exist: in fact, the sudden growth of the area occupied by the
liquid and the consequent reduction of the area occupied by the gas
determine a higher value of the velocity ratio around the fitting, while
the existence of a vena contracta requires a
homogeneous flow, with a velocity ratio close to one.