Prof Andy Jones
Professor of bioinformatics
Tel: +44 151 795 4514
University web: profile
I am group leader of the Post-genomic bioinformatics group in the Institute of Integrative Biology. We are closely associated with the Proteomics and Functional Genomics group and the Centre for Genomic ResearchResearch Interests
My research is in bioinformatics, specialising in proteome informatics and post-genomic science. The main areas of focus are novel analyses of mass spectral data, data sharing and standards to enable the re-use and derivation of maximal value from existing data sets. I am also interested in the interface between different types of ‘omics data, such as the dynamic relationship between genomic and proteomic data sets.Project areas
- Proteomics standards - I an co-chair of the Proteomics Standards Initiative, and coordinated the development of mzIdentML and mzQuantML standards
- Bioinformatics software - see Research page
- Data standards for functional genomics: FuGE project
- Immunoinformatics and pharmacogenomics, for example, see Allele Frequency Net Database
For a full list of publications, see my Google Scholar profile