Current Projects

ATLANTECO - Microbiomes, plastics and connectivity, understanding the fate of the Atlantic Ocean

2020 - 2025 - Funded by the European Unions Horizon 2020 progreamme. For more info on Atlanteco please visit the project website and check out the twitter handle @EU_AtlantECO

BAIT - Constraining an iron model at the Bermuda Atlantic time series

2019 - 2023 - Funded jointly by the National Science Foundation and the Natural Environment Research Council - alongside US partners Peter Sedwick, Kristen Buck, Rod Johnson, Dan Ohnemus and Benjamin Twining

BYONIC - Multiple interacting resources and their impact on biological activity

2017 - 2024 - Funded by the European Research Council - I am sole PI  

More information on the BYONIC project can be found here

Past Projects:

ARISE - Detecting change in Arctic Ecosystems

Apr 2017 - Mar 2022 - Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council - alongside Claire Mahaffey (PI) and various co-Is at the Universities of Liverpool, Edinburgh and St Andrews and the National Oceanography Centre.

More information on this multi-disciplinary project here

FRidge - The supply of iron from mid-Atlantic Ridges

Aug 2017 - 2020 - Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council - alongside Maeve Lohan  

This project involved a UK GEOTRACES cruise along the northern mid-Atlantic Ridge that I led as Chief Scientist. You can revisit the cruise blog here.

ZIPLOC - Zinc, Iron and Phosphorus limitation in the ocean

Jan 2017 - 2020 - Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council - alongside Claire Mahaffey and Maeve Lohan, 

Hydrothermal supply of iron 

Mar 2016 - 2019 - Funded by the Royal Society - This project is an international exchanges collaboration with Joe Resing at University of Washington / NOAA