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BSRG Field Trip

Sedimentology and architecture of submarine slope channels: Pendle Grit Formation (Carboniferous) of the Craven Basin

The Pendle Grit field trip is fully booked

Sunday 14th December
Meet at the Departmant of Earth & Ocean Sciences at 8:30 am.
Cost: £20

This fieldtrip aims to examine the sedimentology and larger scale architecture of the submarine slope channels of the Pendle Grit Formation (Pendleian, Carboniferous). The Pendle Grit represents the first of the major siliciclastic influxes into the Craven Basin of northern England. In proximal localities the Pendle Grit is strongly channelised, in some cases dominated by lateral accretion deposits (Waddington Fells Quarry locality). Confinement mechanisms are slightly enigmatic, as such we'll look at the evidence of growth fault confinement in proximal localities. Further down-dip the Pendle Grit is developed in lobe like intervals, which characteristically consist of thicker amalgamated beds at their bases, thinning and fining upwards to small channelised bodies at the very top; these are thought to represent small progradational sequences. Their occurrence will be tied back to the much thicker, sand-rich channelised deposits up-dip. The occurrence and down-dip variability of linked-debrites and other facies will also be examined. The day will include a visit to a large working quarry (Waddington Fells, near Clitheroe), a disused quarry (Wiswell) and potentially some natural outcrops in the beautiful Trough of Bowland area, plus a pub for lunch. pendle grits

Ian Kane, University of Leeds
John Collinson, consultant