This page is maintained by: Dr Rick Leah, Jones Building, School of Biological SciencesAny feed back or comment would be welcome. Please emailNB: The HTML has not yet been 'verified' - apologies to any disabled users - I will try to attend to this during this academic yearOriginal material is Copyright University of Liverpool, 2003,
2004, 2005
| Controlling emissions From Power StationsAlthough allegedly only a small proportion of global emissions, the emissions of mercury from US power stations are now a very contentious issue, especially after it seems possible that the Bush administration is reversing some of the attempts to reduce emissions. This is partly because the actual amount is quite high and a large proportion comes to ground in the US. The new evidence of adverse impacts on human development are fuelling the controversy. US Pressure groupsCEED : The Center for Energy and Economic Development (CEED) is a non-profit group dedicated to protecting the viability of coal-based electricity. The viewpoint of CEED can be easily deduced from staements such as : "Working at the local, state, and regional levels, CEED communicates the truth about coal - conducting research, dispelling falsehoods, and educating the public and government officials about coal-based electricity's importance to our way of life." Judge for yourself: from the CEED Homepage: http://www.ceednet.org/ceed/ Their specific page on the mercury problem is : http://www.ceednet.org/ceed/index.cfm?cid=7502,7689