This page is maintained by: Dr Rick Leah, Jones Building, School of Biological SciencesAny feed back or comment would be welcome. Please emailNB: The HTML has not yet been 'verified' - apologies to any disabled users - I will try to attend to this during this academic yearOriginal material is Copyright University of Liverpool, 2003,
2004, 2005
Taking Hg out of Chloralkali industryThe Chloralkali industry has been responsible for the dissipation of a large amount of mercury that has contributed to contamination problems around the world. Large strides have been made in phasing out mercury from the processes involved in the manufacture of chlorine but even the phasing out of mercury use by the chloralkali industry causes issues:
These issues are behind contemporary attempts to reduce mercury in trade
although recent attempts to arrange an international treaty on this appear to
have failed (see News Item
Some of these issues are addressed in a website by the State of Maine, a state where mercury is being taken out of industrial circulation permanently Mercury/questions_and_answers The questions and answers refer to the closing of a particular chloralkali works |