A Darwin Initiative Project: Biodiversity of Ghana's Rivers

Toolkits for the sustainable management of Ghana’s riverine biodiversity





This is a collaborative project to improve the sustainable management of Ghana’s rivers involving the Centre for African Wetlands (CAW), the Zoology Department and the Volta Basin Research Project (VBRP) of the University of Ghana, the Ghanaian Water Research Institute, Accra with the Institute for Sustainable Water, Integrated Management & Ecosystem Research, (SWIMMER) at the University of Liverpool UK.

Staff from  SWIMMER  (including Prof Ed Maltby, Prof Brian Moss, Dr Rick Leah and Dr Conor Linstead) supported by Dr Mike Swaine from the University of Aberdeen will provide project support, staff training and peer review. Prof Chris Gordon from the Centre for African Wetlands (CAW) at the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra will lead the work in Ghana.

The project is based on the 'Ecosystem Approach' which was chosen by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as the most practicable way of reaching its objectives

Project Leader:
Prof Edward Maltby (SWIMMER)

Team Leader in Ghana:
Prof Chris Gordon


Site maintained by Victoria Tainton

Original material is Copyright University of Liverpool, 2006, 7

Page last reviewed : 05/01/2007