(Douby Zhang)

Guangqu Zheng

Lecturer in Stochastics cluster
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
The University of Liverpool
Mathematical Sciences Building
Liverpool, L69 7ZL, United Kingdom

Office: Room 221
E-mail: guangqu.zheng@liverpool.ac.uk

Research interest:

  • Malliavin calculus, Gaussian analysis
  • Stein's method, limit theorems
  • (Singular) SPDEs
  • Rough path theory
  • Nonlinear dispersive PDEs

  • Since September 2022: Lecturer (=tenured assistant professor) at the University of Liverpool, England, UK.

    Stochastics cluster, Stochastics Seminars

    Previous Positions and education

    (July 2021 to September 2022): Postdoc at The University of Edinburgh, supported by Tadahiro Oh's ERC Consolidator Grant "SingStocDispDyn".

    (August 2018 to May 2021): Black-Babcock visiting assistant professor at University of Kansas. Postdoc mentor: David Nualart.

    (April 2-July 26, 2018) Research fellow in probability at The University of Melbourne within the research group of Andrew D. Barbour, Nathan Ross and Aihua Xia.

    (September 1,2015 - March 28, 2018) Ph.D student at Université du Luxembourg, supervised by Ivan Nourdin.

    (Sept. 2014-June 2015) M2 (Probabilités et Statistiques) student at Université Paris-Sud, Orsay supported by Fondation Mathématiques Jacques Hadamard

    (September 2007 - June 2011) Undergraduate student in the school of Economics and management, Wuhan University. 

      University of Liverpool

    • MATH361: Theory of statistical inference (2022/23 2nd term), Canvas page

    • University of Edinburgh

    • Tutor for "Honors complex variables" (2022 Spring, undergraduate course)
    • Instructor (joint with Tadahiro Oh) for "SPDEs with multiplicative noise" (2022 Spring, advanced Ph.D course) Course webpage

    • University of Kansas

    • Instructor for Math 526 Applied statistics I (2018 Fall, 2019 Spring, 2019 Fall, 2020 summer, 2021 summer)
    • Instructor for Math 627 Probability (2020 Fall)
    • Instructor for (graduate course) Math 865 Introduction to Stochastic processes (2020 Spring, 2021 Spring)

    • Université du Luxembourg

    • Teaching assistant for Analysis I (2016 Fall, 2017 Spring, 2017 Fall)