This page is the opening page to a series of web based resources to support this module. They include basic details on all the lecture topics covered in Archaeology and Contemporary Society, lists of library and web resources and direct links to major websites.
This is the second year that the module has been supported in this way, and so there may still be teething problems with the site, or you may feel that there are links that could be made to other sites not yet made, or topics not yet covered. If you have any comments please email them to me along with the addresses for any links that you may come across (use the 'email the Module Co-ordinator' link) . At the end of the module, I would be grateful if you would complete the questionnaire on the web resources for this module and add any comments that you might have on these resources. You can fine this through the questionnaire link. Thank You.
The web-based resources to support this module are divided into three sections:
these resources include an online version of the module details as well as copies of the exam papers for the last few years with concise model answers to illustrate the appropriate type of response to these questions.
these pages support topics such as reburial, and cultural property issues. They include links to organisations such as UNESCO and its various world heritage programme pages as well as copies of its relevant conventions.
these pages support the section of the module that covers the organisation of archaeology in the UK as well as the current nature of monument protection and archaeological fieldwork. This section also looks at the growing nature of professsionalisation of archaeologists in recent years.