Larger-scale Morphodynamic Impacts of Segmented Shore-Parallel Breakwaters (SSPB) on Coasts and Beaches          

> LEACOAST2: Objectives/Methodology
Project Details
Liverpool Team
UEA Team
Plymouth Team
HR Wallingford



The study area of LEACOAST2 will be extended from the current LEACOAST project to cover a 6km-long stretch of coastline, consisting of four sub-regions:
  1. an up-drift zone from Cart Gap to the first breakwater,
  2. the 4 segmented shore-parallel breakwaters (SSPB) of Phase 1,
  3. the 5 lower SSPBs of Phase 2, and
  4. the down-drift zone as far as Horsey. On a time-scale of months to years the SSPBs cannot be viewed in isolation from the beaches up- and down-drift.

In order to study sediment pathway, and interactions between the structures and tides/waves on longer temporal and wider spatial scales, the project will combine the process-based computer models developed in UL with additional physical processes, the existing UEA engineering level model and the probabilistic approaches via 1 to n-line models developed by researchers in the School of Engineering at University of Plymouth (UP) and incorporate the advanced new acoustic, radar and video monitoring equipment into a new field programme together with nearshore point measurements and frequent beach and nearshore bathymetric surveys.

Numerical Models

  • Phase-resolving process-based Q3D model
  • Wave period- averaged 2D model
  • Probabilistic engineering 1-N line model
  • Empirical Orthogonal Eigen Functions (E.O.F.) based model (for long-term effect ~10 years prdictions)

Field Measurements

  • Rapid GPS bathymetric survey
  • ADV/ADCP nearshore measurements
  • Agrus 5-camera video system
  • X-band radar
  • Stable/Blisst offshore measurements
  • Side-scanner for bedforms

Data Management

  • BODC data analysis and archive

Sea Palling, Norfolk


This page was last modified: 06 November 2005 - All rights reserved 2005