Publications on water demand estimation

Williamson P, Clarke G P and McDonald A T (1996) ‘Estimating small-area demands for water with the use of microsimulation’, in G Clarke [ed.] Microsimulation for urban and regional policy analysis, Pion, London, 117-148.

[Estimation of small-area water domestic water for selected urban and rural wards in Yorkshire, utilising water consumption data for metered households.]

Clarke G, Kashti A, McDonald A and Williamson P (1997) ‘Estimating small area demand for water: a new methodology’, Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 186-192.

[Estimation procedure extended to cover all wards in Leeds]

Williamson P (forthcoming) A static microsimulation approach to exploring alternative domestic water consumption scenarios. In G Clarke [ed.] Applied regional science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

[Small area estimates extended to cover all of Yorkshire and Humberside, based upon data for non-metered households. Projections of future domestic consumption made for a variety of plausible scenarios involving changes in water consuming behaviour, including increased appliance efficiency, all with assumption of a static population]

Williamson P, Mitchell G, McDonald A and Wattage P (submitted) Forecasting domestic water consumtion for small areas: a microsimulation approach, Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management

[Forecasts of small area water consumption for all wards in Yorkshire and Humberside, made for a variety of plausible water consumption behaviours, incorporating official projections of changes in population structure]


Mitchell G, McDonald A, Wattage P and Williamson P (2000) A 'Standard Industrial Classification' coded strategic planning model of industrial and commercial water demand for UK regions, Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 14, 226-232

[Report on a companion projection model of industrial and commercial water demand]