


Reformat_estimates.exe is a program, written in Visual Basic, designed to help visualise cellular fit of estimated small-area microdata created by Pop91.  It converts the contents of ED-specific cell-level goodness-of-fit reports from vector to tabular format.

Download executable here

Download Visual Basic source code here

Instructions for use

(1) Download executable to a chosen root directory

e.g. C:\GOF

(2) Create a subfolder 'Estimates'

e.g. C:\GOF\Estimates

(3) Download district archive of ED-level cellular goodness-of-fit reports, unzip and place in county and district specific subfolder on root directory

e.g. C:\GOF\Wyork\DA

(4) Create a file called Estimates.txt and place in the root folder.  This file must have the following format:

Line 1: county name (ONS 4 or 5 character abbreviation)

Line 2: name of ED to be analysed (8 character ONS ED code)

Additional EDs for analysis may be listed on subsequent lines of the file, one per line.



(5) Run program by double-clicking on executable file (Reformat_estimates.exe)

Reformat_estimates.exe  generates one report file per ED listed in Estimates.txt.  These files are placed under a county and district specific sub-folders of FullReport, an output folder automatically created within the root folder.