ulgqcd  compilers / software


To determine which compiler and its env settings,  use the 'modules' command

module available   -- lists modules available

module list  --  shows current module

module purge --  unsets module

module load pgi/64/11.7    -- loads the Portland 64bit v11.7 compiler environment

Porland Commands :  pgcc  pgf77   and  pgf90


Portland Compiler FAQ  and Release Notes  -- NB Portland compiler links to NAG library are set (use  -lnag)

Suggestion: add module load to your .bashrc  


Gnu compilers always available :

gfortran, gcc, g++,  but beware that module will set CC, F77, LD_LIBRARY_PATH

f95 is gfortran

Both blas & lapack libs installed on nodes & headnode.