1.1.    Curriculum Vitae

Stephen R.L.Clark


2.   Personal details


Email: srlclark@liverpool.ac.uk

2.1.   Date of birth: 30.10.45

2.2.   Married to Prof.Gillian Clark: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/persons/e-g-clark; three children (Samuel 1974, Alexandra 1976, Tabitha 1985)

3.   Education:

Nottingham High School 1956-64

Balliol College, Oxford 1964-8 (scholar)

All Souls College, Oxford 1968-75 (fellow)

Classical Honour Moderations 1966: 1st

Litterae Humaniores 1968: 1st

M.A., D.Phil. (1973)

4.   Employment

Fellow of All Souls College 1968-75

Visiting Lecturer, University of Chicago 1970-1

Lecturer at Queen’s College, Oxford 1971-2

Lecturer at New College, Oxford 1973

Lecturer in Moral Philosophy, University of Glasgow 1974-83

Professor of Philosophy, Liverpool University 1984-2009.

Visiting Professor, Vanderbilt University, Nashville 1989

Alan Richardson Fellowship, Durham University 1998-9

Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship 2003-6.

Honorary Research Fellow in Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol, 2010-

5.   Teaching experience

Undergraduate courses on Plato’s Republic, Hobbes’s Leviathan, Berkeley, Hume’s Dialogues, Philosophy of Biology, Rhetoric, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy, Aristotle, Stoicism, Plotinus, Metaphysics, Stoic Philosophy, Rationalists.

Graduate supervision at Oxford, Glasgow, Cambridge, the Open University and Liverpool.

Extra-mural classes on Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy, Philosophy & Science-Fiction

Modules at Liverpool included First-Year modules on Greek Philosophical Thought, Political Philosophy, Critical Thinking, and the Darwin element in a module on Darwin, Marx and Freud (all 2 lectures a week for 12 weeks); Honours modules included Plato, Aristotle, Hellenistic Philosophy, Plotinus and Philosophy of Biology.

Also regular lectures to the Animal Licensees Training Course on Ethics.

6.   Administrative Experience

6.1.  Internal

Elected member of Faculty of Arts, Glasgow University 1981.

At Liverpool: Head of Department 1984-95, 2000-3; member Senate Library Committee and Academic Services Sub-Committee 1986-94; chairman ASSC 1989-94; ; acting chairman Research Sub-Committee 1989; member Academic Committee 1990-4, 1995-8; member of AGCIT 1990-3; member of unitization working party 1991; University Representative on Parry’s Bookshop Management Committee 1990-8; member of University Press Management Committee 1991-8; member of Information Systems Strategy Group 1993-4; Personnel Committee 1994-5. Member of various faculty committees since 1984 (Teaching & Learning Sub-committee 1999-2000; Policy Committee 2000-1 )

Dean of Arts Faculty 1995-8

6.1.  External

Chair of British Society for History of Philosophy Management Committee, 2014-7

President of London Society for Study of Religion 2015-8

Chief editor Journal of Applied Philosophy http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/journals/japp 1990-2001

Member editorial board for series New Studies in Christian Ethics (Cambridge University Press)

Member editorial board for Religious Studies

Member editorial board for Ethics (Hellenic Society for Ethics)

Reviser of JMB/NEAB Philosophy A-levels 1984-2001.

British Academy Studentships selection panel 1986-91.

AHRB Postgraduate Studentships selection panel 1999-2003

Member of Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries Ad Hoc Committee on Ethical Implications of Emergent Technology (the Banner Committee) 1993-4

Member of Farm Animal Welfare Council (http://www.fawc.org.uk) 1996-2002

Member of Animal Procedures Committee (http://www.apc.gov.uk/) (Home Office) 1998-2006

Member of 1999 Committee (chair: Peter Melchett): University College London 1984-6.

Member of NAPAG working party on biodiversity 1993.

Member of Theology and Animals Research Project: Centre for the Study of Theology, Essex University 1988-92

Elected member of Executive Committee of British Philosophical Association 2003-7.

Founder of PHILOS-L@liverpool.ac.uk (e-mail bulletin board for philosophers, founded 1989), of SOPHIA@liverpool.ac.uk (e-mail discussion group for ancient philosophy, now defunct: 1993-2006), and of CLASSICISTS@liverpool.ac.uk (e-mail bulletin board for classical scholars, founded 1997)

6.2.  Honorary or Inactive

Member of editorial boards of Inquiry; African Philosophy, Personalist Forum: Philosophical Quarterly (1980-3); Science and Engineering Ethics (http://www.cableol.co.uk/opragen/), Technoethics.

Member editorial board for series Library on Animal Rights (Edwin Mellen)

Honorary member of Scots Philosophical Club.

Member of Advisory Board of International Network for Religion and Animals since 1985.

Member of the Philosophy and Religion (PAR) Editorial Board, University College of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Fellow of Royal Society of Arts 1992-2010

Member of Editorial Advisory Group of European Journal of Philosophy since 1993.

7.   Research

7.1.  Interests

The Philosophy of Plotinus, in relation to ethical, political and theological theory

The Treatment and Understanding of Non-Human Animals.

The Philosophical Aspects of Modern Science Fiction

Philosophy and Psychiatry


Other issues in the Philosophy of Religion

7.2.  Research Experience

AHRB Fellowship 1998-9, held in conjunction with Alan Richardson Fellowship at the University of Durham.

Leverhulme Research Grant for work on Plotinus’ Constructive Metaphors £39,700 (2002-3)

Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship for work on Plotinus’ Ethical Theory (2003-6)

Research students supervised, and dates when doctorate awarded: Stephen Bostock on zoos and ethics (1982 at Glasgow); David (Petroc) Willey on the treatment of animals (1986); Paul Rooney on divine command theory (1996); Patrick Quinn on Aquinas (1996); Panayiota Vassilopoulou on Plotinus (2001); Soran Reader (1991 at Cambridge), Grant Vallance (Open University); Joan Ferrante, Anthony McWatt (2004), John Spencer (2008).

7.3.   Invitations to Speak


Gifford Lecturer, Glasgow University 1982.

Stanton Lecturer, Cambridge University 1987-9.

Guest lecturer, Manchester University 1988.

Guest lecturer, Vanderbilt University 1989.

Guest lecturer, Bowling Green State University 1989.

Guest lecturer, Colorado State University 1989.

Wilde Lecturer, Oxford University 1990

Scott Holland lecturer, Liverpool 1992

Read Tuckwell lecturer, Bristol University 1994

Aquinas Lecture: Blackfriars, Oxford University 1994

Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecturer, Durham University 1995

Papers delivered to Scots Philosophical Club, Southern Association for Ancient Philosophy, British Society for the Study of Phenomenology, Society for the Study of Theology, Society for Applied Philosophy, British Society for the History of Philosophy, assorted Animal Welfare Conferences in USA, UK and Italy, and many university and further education philosophy societies.


Invited lecture at Mithibai College, Mumbai, January 1998 on ‘Global Religions’; Invited lecture at Anglo-Indian Convivium IV, Panchgani, January 1998 on ‘The Goals of Goodness’; Invited lecture at Yale University, February 1998; Invited lecture to Anglo-Dutch Ethics Workshop, Rotterdam, March 1998; Invited lecture to Cumbria Theological Society, March 1998 on ‘The Covenant with All Living’; Invited lecture at Kings College London, April 1998, on ‘Evolutionary Ethics and Environmentalism’; Invited lecture on ‘How to Deal with Animals’ at AWSELVA meeting, British Veterinary Association Conference, Nottingham, September 1998.


Invited lecture to Birkbeck College Lunchtime Lecture Series on ‘Treating People like Animals’ January 1999; Invited lecture to University of Durham Philosophy Society on ‘The Goals of Goodness’, February 18th 1999; Alan Richardson Lecture, University of Durham, on ‘Deconstructing Darwin’, March 4th 1999; Invited lecture to Philosophy Department, University of Durham on ‘Slaves, Servility and Noble Deeds’, March 11th 1999; Invited lecture to Anglo-Dutch Ethics Workshop, Isle of Thorns, on ‘Slaves, Servility and Noble Deeds’, 26th March 1999; Invited lecture to Applied Philosophy Workshop, London, on ‘Have Biologists Wrapped up Philosophy?’, 25th June 1999; Invited participant in Liberty Colloquium, 16th September 1999; Talk to Society of Applied Philosophy Workshop on Genetically Modified Organisms, November 6th 1999; Talk to Sixth Formers on ‘Science Fiction and Philosophy’ at Oswestry School, December 3rd.


Invited participant in Anglo-Chinese Colloquium, Oxford 26th February 2000; Invited lecture to Islamic Society Conference, Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool 27th February 2000; Invited seminar on ‘Plotinus on Falling in Love’ to Dept of Theology, U.C.Leuven March 6th 2000; Invited lecture (Aquinas Lecture) on ‘The Cosmic Priority of Value’ to Dept of Theology, U.C.Leuven March 7th 2000; Invited lecture to Centre for Philosophy, Kings College London, on ‘Posthumanism: replacing ethics by engineering’ March 15th 2000; Invited lecture on ‘What has Plotinus’s One to do with God?’ to British Society for History of Philosophy, Keele, April 5th 2000; Invited lecture on ‘Rubble, Beauty and the Platonic Imagination’ to University of Athens Open Lecture-Series May 15th 2000; Chaired and contributed to Templeton Symposium on ‘Science and Theological Imagination in Science Fiction’, June 24-6th London; Plenary Paper on Posthumanism to Wittgenstein Conference at Kirchberg August 17th 2000; Invited participant in Anglo-Indian Convivium V in Lampeter September 1st-4th 2000; Invited lecture on ‘Catarrhines and Platyrrhines’ to International Bioethics Conference September 23rd 2000; Invited participant at Templeton Colloquium on the Far Future, Vatican City (7, 8, and 9 November 2000)


Abbott Lecture: Westminster, Oxford & Sheffield 2001; Invited paper ‘From Biosphere to Technosphere’ at Nature and Technology Conference (Aberdeen); Invited paper on ‘Genocide, War and Consistency’ at Society of Applied Philosophy Conference (Manchester)


Invited lecture in Royal Institute of Philosophy series February; invited paper to Theory Group, Peterhouse, Cambridge February; Invited Paper to Templeton Colloquium, Glasgow April 22; invited respondent at Environmental Colloquium, Norwich  May 4; invited paper to Bristol conference May 31.


Invited lecture to British Society for the History of Philosophy Conference March 27th; Invited lecture in Environmentalism Series in Athens May 12th; Invited Participant (with Astronomer Royal) at Templeton Far Futures Launch, Hay-on-Wye, 23rd May 2003.


Invited participant in Plotinus Panel at American Philological Association Conference, San Francisco, 2-5 January 2004; invited participant in Templeton Colloquium on Spiritual Healing, Cambridge, January 2004; Invited paper to one-day conference on The Uncanny, April 2004; invited paper to ISNS conference at Liverpool University, summer 2004; invited paper to Durham University Philosophical Society, June 2004.


Invited paper to Lancaster University Philosophy Society, 30 November 2005; Invited paper to Stapledon Society, Liverpool University, 12 December 2005 (both postponed because of illness).


Invited paper on ‘Plotinus on Becoming Love: Forum for European Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University May 8th 2006; Invited paper ‘How Alien are Animals?’ University of Chester 23rd September 2006; Invited paper on ‘Can animals be our friends’: Chester University of Chester 19th October 2006; Invited paper on Plotinus’ notion of the Self, for Anglo-Chinese Colloquium June 21st-25th in Oxford; Invited paper ‘Plotinus on Becoming Love’, Cambridge D Society, November 2006; Invited paper Baylor University, November 2006 (unable to deliver in person because of illness).


‘Plotinus: charms and countercharms’ at Stapledon Society, University of Liverpool, March 2007; ‘Chesterton as Science Fiction writer’ at Hay-on-Wye Literary Festival, May 2007; ‘Chesterton on Darwin’ for Science and Religion Conference, Lancaster University, July 2007; ‘What has Plotinus’s One to do with God?’ at British Society for the Philosophy of Religion conference, Oxford, September 2007; ‘Plotinus on Philosophy’: Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture, November 2007; ‘Animals and Christian Theology’, Chester University Colloquium, November 2007; ‘Elves, Hobbits, Trolls and Talking Beasts’: Lancaster University, November 2007


‘The Philosopher’s Cat and Other Animals’ at Workshop on Cultural History of Animals, History Dept, University of Liverpool 3rd March 2008. ‘What has Plotinus’ One to do with God?’ at Workshop on Philosophy and Religion at Westcott House, Cambridge 16th-17th September 2008. ‘Making Distinctions’ at Wellcome Trust Summer School, Warwick University 24th September 2008; ‘Maximus on Logos and logoi’: Norwegian Institute, Athens, December 2008: https://www.academia.edu/176773/Maximus_the_Confessor_Logos_and_Logoi. 



Sprigge Conference, Edinburgh July 7th-9th ‘How to Become Unconscious’; Blossoming in the morn of days: Reading October 20th 2009



Religion and Law: ESPR conference, Oxford, August; Living the Pyrrhonian Way: SRLC conference, Liverpool 14th September 2010; Memory and Forgetting: Durham Conference, September; Religion and the Genome: Oxford October 9th; God and animals, Bristol Theology Dept, November 2nd


Moral Status of Animals: Mansfield College, Oxford, 10th Feb 2011; Animals as Religious Subjects: Chester, May 21st-24th; Animals as Medical Subjects: Chester May 24th; Folly to the Greeks: Heythrop College, June 11th; God, Reason and Extraterrestrials, Oxford British Society for Philosophy of Religion, September 14th-16th.


The Ethics of Taxonomy, Manchester Metropolitan March 2nd; Silence in the Land of Logos, Thessaloniki Conference on Gregory Palamas, March 6th-12th; Atheism considered as a Christian Sect, Lancaster April 2nd (RIP lecture); Lecture at Tyndale conference, 21st December.


Mistaken Contrasts in Patrides and Others, April 20th, Cambridge Platonists Workshop; The Case of John Wren-Lewis, British Society for Philosophy of Religion, Oxford, September 11th-13th; Imaging the Divine, at SOAS, 8th January; Christianity against Religion, London Society for Study of Religion, Athenaeum, November 5th; Wilson’s Mind Parasites, Conference on Altered Consciousness, Queen Mary College London, November 17th


The Case of John Wren-Lewis, Christian Philosophers, St.John’s Seminary, Wonersh, 3rd January; Going beyond our Worlds, Prometheus Conference, Chingford 4th-6th July; Platonism and Participation at Notre Dame, June 26.


One Alone and Many, Hong Kong Conference on Oneness, April 24th-28th; Souls, Stars and Shadows, Prometheus Conference July 10th-12th; Who is God, BSPR conference Oxford 10th-13th September; Hylas, Heracles and the Uses of Reflection, D-Society Cambridge, October 16th.


Consciousness, Notre Dame 14th-15th March; Godly Virtues, St Andrews 4th-5th April; Souls, Stars and Shadows Bath Spa 29th–30th April; Mancetter 24th-26th June; Lovecraft and the Search for Meaning, Conference on Colin Wilson, at Nottingham 1st-2nd July.


7.1.  Other relevant activities and appointments

7.1.1.            External examining

1985-90 University moderator for the Departments of Theology and Religious Studies of Chester College and The Liverpool Institute of Higher Education; B.A. & M.A. at St.David’s, Lampeter 1985-9; B.A. at St.Martin’s, Lancaster 1985-8; B.A. & M.A. at Sheffield University 1988-90. B.A. & M.A. at Warwick University 1994-7; B.A. at Sussex 2001-4; M.A. at Maynooth 1998; Ph.D. at Manchester 1983; at Cambridge University 1985, 1989 and 1991; at Glasgow University 1988 and 1992; Western Australia 1988; at Oxford 1991 and 1996; at Edinburgh 1989 and 1991; at King’s College London 1996, 1997 and 1998; at Open University 1997 and 2000; at Warwick University 1997 and 2000; at Keele University 2001; at Sheffield University 2003; at Durham University (bis) 2003; at Cambridge University 2005; at Durham University 2006.

7.1.1. Reading Manuscripts for Publishers

Reader for Edinburgh University Press, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Blackwell and other academic presses worldwide

7.1.2. Governmental & Quasi-Governmental Committees

Farm Animal Welfare Council - particularly Promotion & Education Sub-Committee; Cloning Working Group; Research & Development Sub-Committee: 1996-2002: http://www.fawc.org.uk

Animal Procedures Committee - particularly Biotechnology Working Group (1998-2006): http://www.apc.gov.uk

Member of Boyd Group: http://www.boyd-group.demon.co.uk

8.     Publications & Submitted Papers

8.1.  Books

1.       Aristotle’s Man (Clarendon Press: Oxford 1975; pbk 1983), 254pp

2.       The Moral Status of Animals (Clarendon Press 1977; pbk 1984), 238pp

3.       The Nature of the Beast (Oxford University Press 1982; pbk 1984), 136pp

4.       From Athens to Jerusalem (Clarendon Press 1984; Angelico Press, 2019), 240pp

5.       The Mysteries of Religion (Blackwells: Oxford 1986; Wipf & Stock: Eugene 2017), 288pp

6.       Civil Peace and Sacred Order (Clarendon Press 1989), 208pp

7.       A Parliament of Souls (Clarendon Press 1990), 202pp

8.       God’s World and the Great Awakening (Clarendon Press 1991), 256pp.

9.       How to Think about the Earth: models of environmental theology (Mowbrays 1993), 168 pp

10.   How to Live Forever (Routledge 1995), 224 pp

11.   Animals and their Moral Standing (Routledge 1997), 194 pp

12.   God, Religion and Reality (SPCK 1998; Angelico Press 2017), 186 pp

13.   The Political Animal (Routledge 1999), 215 pp.

14.   Biology and Christian Ethics (Cambridge University Press 2000), 348 pp

15.   G.K.Chesterton: Thinking Backwards, Looking Forwards (Templeton Foundation Press: West Conshohocken, PA 2006), 256 pp.

16.   Understanding Faith: Religious Belief and its Place in Society (St Andrews Studies in Philosophy and Public Affairs, Imprint Academic 2009), vi + 280 pp.

17.   Philosophical Futures (Peter Lang: Frankfurt 2011), 248pp.

18.   Ancient Mediterranean Philosophy (Continuum: London 2013), xiv + 246pp

19.   Plotinus: Myth, Metaphor and Philosophical Practice (University of Chicago Press: Chicago 2016), xxii + 344pp

20.   Can We Believe in People: human significance in an interconnected cosmos (Angelico Press: New Hampshire 2020).

21.   Plotinus: Ennead VI.9: translation and commentary (Parmenides Press, 2020).

22.   Cities and Thrones and Powers: towards a Plotinian Politics (Angelico Press: New Hampshire 2022), xix + 305pp

23.   How the Worlds Became: philosophy and the oldest stories (Angelico Press: New Hampshire, 2023), x + 327pp


8.1.  Contributions to Books

1.       How to Calculate the Greater Good: R.Ryder & D.Paterson, eds., Animal Rights (Centaur Press 1978), pp.96-105.

2.       Awareness and Self-Awareness: D.Wood-Gush, M.Dawkins & R.Ewbank, eds., Self-Awareness in Domesticated Animals (UFAW 1981), pp.11ff.

3.       Humans, animals and ‘animal behavior’: H.B.Miller & W.H.Williams, eds., Ethics and Animals (Humana Press 1983), pp.169ff.

4.       Gaia and the Forms of Life: R.Elliot & A.Gair, eds., Environmental Philosophy (University of Queensland Press 1983; Open University Press 1984), pp.182ff.

5.       Nature, Theology and: A.Richardson & J.Bowden, eds., New Dictionary of Christian Theology (SCM 1983).

6.       Good Dogs and other Animals: P.Singer, ed., In Defence of Animals (Blackwells 1985), pp.41-51.

7.       Animals in Ethical Tradition: N.Marsh & S.Haywood, eds., Animal Experimentation (FRAME 1985), pp.1-6.

8.       God-Appointed Berkeley and the General Good: J.Foster & H.Robinson, eds., Essays on Berkeley (Blackwells 1985), pp.233-53.

9.       Abstraction, Possession, Incarnation: A.Kee & E.T.Long, eds., Being and Truth: Essays in Honour of John Macquarrie (SCM 1986), pp.293-317.

10.   The Land we live by: The Ecological Conscience (BANC Occasional Papers: Gloucester 1987), pp.7-12.

11.   The Description and Evaluation of Animal Emotion: C.Blakemore & S.Greenwood, eds., Mindwaves (Blackwells 1987), pp.139-49.

12.   Is Humanity a Natural Kind?: T.Ingold, ed., What is an Animal? (Unwin Hyman 1988), pp.17-34.

13.   Abstract Morality, Concrete Cases: J.D.G.Evans, ed., Moral Problems and Contemporary Moral Philosophy (Cambridge University Press 1988), pp.35-54.

14.   Children and the Mammalian Order: G.Scarre, ed., Children, Parents and Politics (Cambridge University Press 1989), pp.115-32.

15.   Introducing Berkeley’s Ethics: S.R.L.Clark, ed., Berkeley: Money, Obedience and Affection (Garland Press 1989), pp.1-30.

16.   Ethical Problems in Animal Welfare: D.Paterson & M.Palmer, edds., The Status of Animals: ethics, education and welfare (CAB International 1989), pp.5-14.

17.   Friendship in the Christian Tradition (with Gillian Clark): R.Porter & S.Tomaselli, eds., The Dialectics of Friendship (Tavistock Press 1989), pp.26-44.

18.   Animals: J.O.Urmson & J.Ree, eds., Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers (Unwin Hyman 1989), pp.14-16.

19.   How to Reason about Value Judgements: A.Phillips-Griffiths, ed., Key Themes in Philosophy (Cambridge University Press 1989), pp.173-90.

20.   Soft as the Rustle of a Reed from Cloyne (Berkeley): P.Gilmour, ed., Philosophers of the Enlightenment (Edinburgh University Press 1989), pp.47-62.

21.   Reason as Daimon: C.Gill, ed., The Person and the Human Mind (Clarendon Press 1990), pp.187-206.

22.   Anarchists against the Revolution: M.Warner & R.Crisp, eds., Terrorism, Protest and Power (Edward Elgar 1990), pp.123-37.

23.   The Reality of Shared Emotion: M.Bekoff & D.Jamieson, eds., Interpretation and Explanation in the Study of Behavior (Westview Press 1990), vol.I, pp.449-72.

24.   Good and Bad Ethology and the Decent Polis: A.Loizou & H.Lesser, eds., Polis and Politics: Essays in Greek Moral and Political Philosophy (Gower Press: Aldershot & Brookfield, Vermont 1991), pp.12-22.

25.   Limited Explanations: D.Knowles, ed., Explanation and its Limits (Cambridge University Press 1991), pp.195-210.

26.   The Consciousness of Animals: R.Tallis & H.Robinson, eds., The Pursuit of Mind (Carcanet Press 1991), pp.110-128.

27.   How many Selves make me?: D.Cockburn, ed., Human Beings (Cambridge University Press 1991), pp.213-33.

28.   Philosophical Anthropology: L.C.Becker & C.B.Becker, ed., Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Press 1992), vol.II pp.963-4.

29.   Descartes’ Debt to Augustine: M.McGhee, ed., Philosophy, Religion and the Spiritual Life (Cambridge University Press 1992), pp.73-88.

30.   Natural Goods and Moral Beauty: D.Knowles & J.Skorupski, eds., Virtue and Taste: Essays on politics, ethics and aesthetics in memory of Flint Schier (Blackwell: Oxford 1993), pp.83-97.

31.   Apes and the Idea of Kindred: P.Singer & P.Cavalieri, eds., The Great Ape Project: Equality beyond humanity (Fourth Estate: London 1993), pp.113-25.

32.   Modern, postmodern and archaic animals: Zoology: On (post)modern animals: Antwerpen 93, vol.4, B.Verschaffel & Mark Vermink, eds, (Liliput Press: Dublin 1993), 55-72.

33.   The Better Part: A.Phillips-Griffiths, ed., Ethics (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1993), 29-49.

34.   Modern Errors, Ancient Virtues: A.Dyson & J.Harris, eds., Ethics and Biotechnology (Routledge 1994), pp.13-32.

35.   Global Religion: R.Attfield & A.Belsey, eds, Philosophy and the Environment (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1994), 113-28.

36.   Ancient Philosophy: A.Kenny, ed., Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy (Oxford University Press: Oxford 1994), pp.1-53.

37.   Herds of Free Bipeds: C.Rowe, ed., Reading the Statesman: proceedings of the Third Symposium Platonicum (Academia Verlag: Sankt Augustin 1995), pp.236-52.

38.   Enlarging the Community: Brenda Almond, ed, Introducing Applied Ethics (Blackwell: Oxford 1995), 318-30.

39.   Alien Dreams - Kipling: David Seed, ed., Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and its Precursors (Liverpool University Press: Liverpool 1995), 172-94. A reviewer in Science Fiction Studies said “This essay should be required reading not only in sf circles but more widely among students of literature”!

40.   Cynics: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Clarendon Press 1995), 173-4

41.   Epictetus: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Clarendon Press 1995), 238-9

42.   Pyrrho: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Clarendon Press 1995), 733

43.   Hermetic Corpus: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Clarendon Press 1995), 354.

44.   Environmental Ethics: Peter Byrne & Leslie Houlden, edds, Companion Encyclopedia of Theology (Routledge 1995), 843-870.

45.   Tools, Machines and Marvels: Roger Fellows, ed., Philosophy and Technology (Cambridge University Press 1995), 159-76

46.   Countryside: A.Linzey & P.Clarke, edds., Dictionary of Theology (Routledge 1995), pp.373-6.

47.   Holism: A.Linzey & P.Clarke, edds., Dictionary of Theology (Routledge 1995), pp.767-70.

48.   Libertarianism: A.Linzey & P.Clarke, edds., Dictionary of Theology (Routledge 1995), pp.955-7.

49.   Philosophy (with Barry Dainton): New Technologies for the Humanities, edds., C.Mullings, M.Deegan, S.Ross, S.Kenna (Bowker-Sauer: East Grinstead 1996), pp.319-37.

50.   Plotinus: Body and Mind: Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, ed.L.Gerson (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1996), pp.275-91.

51.   The Once and Future Faculty: Arts - Letters - Society: a miscellany commemorating the Centenary of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Liverpool, ed.P.E.H.Hair (Liverpool University Press: Liverpool 1996), pp.213-22.

52.   Natural Integrity and Biotechnology: Human Lives, edds Jacqueline A.Laing & David S.Oderberg (Macmillan: London 1997), pp.58-76

53.   Making up Animals: the view from Science Fiction: Animal Biotechnology and Ethics, edds Alan Holland & Andrew Johnson (Chapman & Hall: London 1997), pp.209-24.

54.   Platonism and the Gods of Place: Tim Chappell ed., The Philosophy of Environmentalism (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 1997), pp.19-37

55.   (with R.Ashcroft, D.W.Chadwick, R.H.T.Edwards, L.Frith, J.L.Hutton) Implications of Sociocultural Contexts for Ethics of Randomised Trials: N.Black, J.Brazier, R.Fitzpatrick, B.Reeves, edds, Health Service Research Methods: a guide to best practice (BMJ Books: London 1998), pp.108-116.

56.   Objectivism and the Alternatives: E.Morscher, O.Neumaier, P.Simons, eds., Applied Ethics in a Troubled World (Kluwer: Dordrecht-Boston-London 1998), pp.285-94

57.   Pantheism: David E.Cooper & Joy A.Palmer, edds., Spirit of the Environment (Routledge: London 1998), pp.42-56

58.   Is Nature God’s Will?: Andrew Linzey & Dorothy Yamamoto, edds., Animals in Christian Religion (SCM: London 1998), pp.123-36.

59.   Anthropocentrism: M.Bekoff, ed., Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare (Greenwood Press: Westport 1998), pp.68-9.

60.   Species-essentialism: M.Bekoff, ed., Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare (Greenwood Press: Westport 1998), pp.319-20.

61.   Psychopathology and Alien Ethics: Edward James & Farah Mendlesohn, edds., The Parliament of Dreams: conferring on Babylon 5 (Science Fiction Foundation: Reading 1998), pp.153-62

62.   Understanding Animals: Michael Tobias & Kate Solisti Mattelon, edds., Kinship with the Animals (Beyond Words Publishing: Hillsborough, Oregon 1998), pp.99-111

63.   Das Eine: Hans Dieter Betz, Don.S.Browning, Bernd Janowski & Eberhard Jüngel, edds., Religion in Geschichte unde Gegenwart (Mohr Siebeck: Tubingen 1999), vol.2, pp.1155-59.

64.   Emanation: Hans Dieter Betz, Don.S.Browning, Bernd Janowski & Eberhard Jüngel, edds., Religion in Geschichte unde Gegenwart (Mohr Siebeck: Tubingen 1999), vol.2, pp.1244-5.

65.   The End of the Ages: David Seed, ed., Imagining Apocalypse: studies in cultural crisis (Macmillan: London; St Martin’s Press: New York 2000), pp.27-44

66.   Deconstructing Darwin: Norma Thompson, ed., Instilling Ethics (Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, Maryland 2000), pp.119-140.

67.   How to Deal with Animals: Giles Legood, ed., Veterinary Ethics (Continuum: London 2000), pp.49-62

68.   Posthumanism: engineering in the place of ethics: Barry Smith & Berit Brogaard, edds, Rationality and Irrationality: Proceedings of the 23rd International Wittgenstein Symposium (ÖbvetHpt: Vienna 2001), pp.62-76.

69.   The Covenant with All Living Creatures: Covenant Theology: Contemporary Approaches, edds. Mark J.Cartledge & David Mills (Liverpool University Anglican Chaplaincy Lectures 1997-2000, Paternoster Press: Carlisle 2002), pp.1-20

70.   Nothing without Mind, in James H. Fetzer, ed., Consciousness Evolving (Advances in Consciousness Research Vol.34, John Benjamins: Amsterdam 2002), pp.139-60.

71.   To Synonthyleuma, i Omorfia kai i Platoniki Fantasia (Rubble, Beauty and the Platonic Imagination), in K.Boudouris, ed., Oikologikes Axies (Ecological Values), Athens 2002, pp.61-75.

72.   Thinking about Biotechnology: towards a theory of just experimentation, in Select Committee on Animals in Scientific Procedures (Stationery Office Ltd: London 2002), vol.3, pp.111-116

73.   Genocide, War and Consistency, in Human Rights and Military Intervention, edds. Richard Norman & Alex Moseley (Ashgate: Aldershot 2002), pp.113-31.

74.   Deep Time: does it matter?: George Ellis, ed.,  The Far-Future Universe (Templeton Foundation Press: Radnor, Pennsylvania 2002), pp.177-95

75.   Olaf Stapledon (1886-1950): George Ellis, ed.,  The Far-Future Universe (Templeton Foundation Press: Radnor, Pennsylvania 2002), pp.355-70

76.   Thinking about Biotechnology: towards a theory of just experimentation, in Reordering Nature: Theology, Society and the New Genetics edited by Celia Deane-Drummond, Bronislaw Szerszynski and Robin Grove White (T&T Clark: Edinburgh 2003), pp.165-77.

77.   Impersonal Minds: Anthony O’Hear, ed., Minds and Persons (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2003), pp.185-209.

78.   Foreword, in E.D.Buckner The Immortality of Animals, ed. Rod Preece (Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston 2003), pp.v-vii

79.   Vegetarianism and the Ethics of Virtue: Steve F. Sapontzis, ed., Food for Thought: the Debate over Eating Meat (Prometheus Books: New York 2004), pp.139-51.

80.   Plotinus – The Enneads: Central Works of the Great Philosophers vol.1, ed. J.Shand (Acumen: London 2005), pp.119-39.

81.   G.C.Field: Anthony Ellis et al, edds., Dictionary of Twentieth Century Philosophers (Thoemmes Press: Bristol)

82.   Babbage-Chambers Paradox: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2005, 2nd edition), p.76.

83.   Science Fiction and Religion: Blackwell Companion to Science Fiction, David Seed ed. (Blackwell: Oxford 2005), pp.95-110.

84.    Berkeley’s Philosophy of Religion, in Kenneth Winckler ed., Cambridge Companion to Berkeley (Cambridge University Press: New York 2005), pp.369-404

85.   (with Panayiota Vassilopoulou) How not to love nature: Proceedings XVI Congress of Philosophy: Philosophy, Competition and the Good Life (Volume A) Spetses: Athens 2005, pp 77-98

86.   How Alien are Animals?, in Pierfrancesco Basile & Leemon B.McHenry, edds., Consciousness, Reality and Value: essays in honour of T.L.S.Sprigge (Ontos Verlag: Heusenstamm 2007), pp.245-58.

87.   Going Naked into the Shrine: Herbert, Plotinus and the Constructive Metaphor: D.Hedley & S.Hutton, edds., Platonism at the Origins of Modernity (Springer: Dordrecht 2008), pp.45-61.

88.   Science, Chesterton and the Will of the Creator: Martin Stone, ed., Reason, Faith and History: Essays for Paul Helm (Ashgate: London 2008), pp.115-25.

89.   Elves, Hobbits, Trolls and Talking Beasts: Creaturely Theology,  edds., Celia Deane-Drummond & David Clough (SCM Press: London 2009), pp.151-67

90.   What has Plotinus’s One to do with God?: Philosophers and God, edds., Michael McGhee & John Cornwell (Continuum: London 2009), pp.21-37.

91.   Conclusion: Late Antique Epistemology: Other Ways to Truth , edited with Panayiota Vassilopoulou (Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke 2009), pp.289-301.

92.   Plotinus: Charms and Counter-Charms: Conceptions of Philosophy: Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 65, ed.Anthony O’Hear (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2010), pp.215-31

93.   Therapy and Theory Reconstructed: Philosophy as Therapy: Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 66, edds. Clare Carlisle & Jonardon Ganeri (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2010), pp.83-102

94.   How to Become Unconscious: The Metaphysics of Consciousness, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 67, edds. Pierfrancesco Basile, Julian Kiverstein & Pauline Phemister (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2010), pp.21-44.

95.   Ethical Thought in India: Routledge Companion to Ethics, ed., John Skorupski (Routledge: London 2010), pp.21-30.

96.   The Mind Parasites: Wilson, Husserl, Plotinus: Around the Outsider: essays presented to Colin Wilson, ed.Colin Stanley (O-Books: Alresford 2011), pp.42-62

97.   Animals in Classical and Late Antique Philosophy: Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics, edds., Raymond Frey & Tom.L.Beauchamp Oxford University Press: New York 2011), pp.35-60.

98.   The Ethics of Taxonomy: a neo-Aristotelian Synthesis: Animal Ethics: Past and Present Perspectives, ed. Evangelos D. Protopapadakis (Logos Verlag: Berlin 2012), pp.38-58.

99.   Animals: Routledge Companion to Theism, edds. Charles Taliaferro, Victoria S. Harrison and Steward Goetz (Routledge: London 2012), pp.528-40 

100.                     Does “Made in the Image of God” mean Humans are more Special than Animals?: A Faith Embracing All Creatures, edds. Tripp York & Andy Alexis-Baker (Cascade Books: Eugene, Oregon 2012), pp.138-49.

101.                     Futures Singular and Plural: Towards the Noosphere, ed. Tim Addey (Prometheus Books: Westbury, Wiltshire 2013), pp.29-67.

102.                     ‘Ask now the beasts and they shall teach thee’: Animals as Religious Subjects, edds. Celia Deane-Drummond, David L.Clough & Rebecca Artinian-Kaiser (Bloomsbury: London 2013), pp.15-34

103.                     The Classical Origins of Natural Theology: The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology, ed. Russell Re Manning (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2013), pp.9-22.

104.                     Personal Identity and Identity Disorders: Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry, edds., K.W.M.Fulford, Martin Davies, George Graham, John Z.Sadler, Giovanni Sanghellini and Tim Thornton (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2013), pp.911-28

105.                     Living the Pyrrhonian Way: The Science, Politics, and Ontology of Life-Philosophy, edds., Scott M.Campbell & Paul W.Bruno (Bloomsbury: London 2013), pp.197-209.

106.                     God, Reason and Extraterrestrials: God, Mind and Knowledge, ed. Andrew Moore (Ashgate: London 2014), pp.171-86.

107.                     Animals Real and Virtual: Science and the Self: Animals, Evolution, and Ethics: essays in honour of Mary Midgley, edds.Ian J.Kidd & Liz McKinnell (Routledge: London, 2015), pp.31-40.

108.                     Silence in the Land of Logos: Triune God: incomprehensible but knowable – the philosophical and theological significance of St Gregory Palamas for contemporary philosophy and theology, ed. Constantinos Athanasopoulos (Cambridge Scholars: Cambridge 2016), pp.83-101.

109.                     Going beyond our Worlds: Animals: New Essays, ed. Andreas Blank (Philosophia Verlag: Munich 2016), pp.397-418

110.                     Animals in Religion: Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies, ed. Linda Kalof (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2017), pp. 571-89.

111.                     Climbing up to Heaven: the Hermetic Option: Purgatory: philosophical dimensions, edds. Kristof K.P.Vanhoutte & Benjamin W.McCraw (Palgrave-Macmillan: London 2017), pp.151-74.

112.                     Classical Mediterranean Conceptions of the Afterlife: Palgrave Handbook of the Afterlife, edds. Benjamin Matheson & Yujin Nagasawa (Palgrave Macmillan: London 2017), pp.41-60

113.                      Heracles, Hylas and the Uses of Reflection: Plotinus and the Moving Image, edds. Thorsten Botz-Bornstein & Giannis Stamatellos (Brill: Leiden 2017), pp.67-90.

114.                     Lovecraft and the Search for Meaning: Proceedings of the Colin Wilson Conference, ed., Colin Stanley (Cambridge Scholars: Cambridge 2017), pp.10-45.

115.                     One Alone and Many: The Oneness Hypothesis: beyond the boundary of self. Edds. Philip J. Ivanhoe, Owen J. Flanagan, Victoria S.Harrison, Hagop Sarkissan, Eric Schwitzgebel. (Columbia University Press: New York, 2019), pp.77-89.

116.                     Death, Depression and a Passing Kestrel: Death And Anti-Death 17: One Year After Mary Midgley, Twenty Years After Iris Murdoch, ed. Charles Tandy (Ria University Press: Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2019), pp.69-92.

117.                     Plotinus on Remembering and Forgetting: Greek Memories, edds. Luca Castagnoli & Paola Ceccarelli (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2019), pp.325-42.

118.                     Discerning the Spirits: Healing and the Moral Problems of Efficacy: Spiritual Healing: Science, Meaning, and Discernment, ed. Sarah Coakley (Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2020), pp.153-80.

119.                     Souls, Stars and Shadows: Differences in Identity in Philosophy and Religion: a cross-cultural approach, edds, Srah Flavel & Russell Re Manning (Bloomsbury: London 2020), pp.7-20.

120.                     Multiplicity in Earth and Heaven: Christian Platonism: a history, edds. Alexander J.B. Hampton & John Peter Kenney (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2020), pp.472-91.

121.                     Anarchism against Anarchy: the Classical Roots of Anarchism: ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF ANARCHY AND ANARCHIST THOUGHT, edds. Gary Chartier and Chad Van Schoelandt (Routledge: New York 2020), pp.83-98.

122.                     Thinking, Theorizing and Theoria: Thinking – a philosophical history, edds., Daniel Whistler & Panayiota Vassilopoulou (Routledge: London, 2021), pp.36-46

123.                     Plotinus and Godlike Virtues: Quietism, Agnosticism and Mysticism - Mapping the Philosophical Discourse of the East and the West, ed. Krishna Mani Pathak (Springer 2021), pp.159-76.

124.                     Selfless Civilizations: Robots, Zombies, and the World to Come: Minding the Future: artificial intelligence, philosophical visions and science fiction, edds, Barry Dainton, Will Slocombe, Attila Tanyi (Springer 2021), pp165-78

125.                     “Plotinus, Eriugena and the Uncreated Image”: Eighteenth International Conferenceon Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019, vol.19, Eriugena’s Christian Neoplatonism and its Sources in Patristic and Ancient Philosophy, ed., Ilaria L.E.Ramelli (Studia Patristica vol.122, 2021), pp.33-50.

126.                     “Nature, Animals, and Ecology”. In The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion (eds C. Taliaferro and S. Goetz). New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119009924.eopr0263

127.                     “Atheists and Idolaters: the Case of John Wren-Lewis”: In Atheisms: the philosophy of non-belief, Victoria S.Harrison & Harriet A.Harris edds., pp.90-125.  Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2023.

128.                     “Patrides Plotinus, and the Cambridge Platonists”: In The Cambridge Platonists, ed., Sarah Hutton, pp.7-26. Abingdon: Routledge, 2024

129.                     “Forms, intellects, and angels”: Participation in the Divine: A Philosophical History, From Antiquity to the Modern Era, edds. Douglas Hedley & Daniel Tolan (Cambridge University Press 2024)


8.2.  Books (edited)

1.       ed., Berkeley: Money, Obedience and Affection (Garland Press: New York 1989), 230pp. Reissued by Routledge, 2019.

2.       Late Antique Epistemology: Other Ways to Truth , edited with Panayiota Vassilopoulou (Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke 2009), 353 pp

3.       Philosophy as a Way of Life, edited with Michael McGhee & Michael Chase (Wiley-Blackwell: New York 2013)

8.3.  Articles

1.       The use of ‘man’s function’ in Aristotle: Ethics 82.1972, pp.269ff

2.       God, good and evil: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 77.1977, pp.247ff

3.       Animal Wrongs: Analysis 38.1978, pp.147-9.

4.       The Rights of Wild Things: Inquiry 22.1979, pp.171ff

5.       Prawa Zwierzat, tr.Z.Nierada: Etyka 18.1980, pp.77-86.

6.       The absence of a gap between Fact and Value: Aristotelian Society Supplementary Vol. 54.1980, pp.225-40.

7.       God’s Law and Morality: Philosophical Quarterly 32. 1982, pp.339-47.

8.       Aristotle’s Woman: History of Political Thought 3.1982, pp.177-91

9.       Sexual Ontology and the Group Marriage: Philosophy 58.1983, pp.215-27.

10.   Waking-up: a neglected model for the After-life: Inquiry 26.1983-4, pp.209-30.

11.   Just War Theory: The Philosopher, October 1983, pp.2-12.

12.   Morals, Moore and Macintyre: Inquiry 26.1983-4, pp.425-45.

13.   Slaves and Citizens: Philosophy 60.1985, pp.27-46.

14.   Hume, animals and the objectivity of morals: Philosophical Quarterly 25.1985, pp.117-33.

15.   Christian Responsibility for the Environment: Modern Churchman 38.1986, pp.24-31.

16.   Icons, Sacred Relics, Obsolescent Plant: Journal of Applied Philosophy 3.1986, pp.201-10.

17.   Animals, Ecosystems and the Liberal Ethic: Monist 70.1987, pp.114-33.

18.   God’s Law and Chandler: Philosophical Quarterly 37.1987, pp.200-206.

19.   The City of the Wise: Apeiron 20.1987, pp.63-80.

20.   How to Believe in Fairies: Inquiry 30.1988, pp.337-55.

21.   Robotic Morals: Cogito 2.1988.

22.   Cupitt and the Divine Imagining: Modern Theology 5.1988, pp.45-60.

23.   Mackie and the Moral Order: Philosophical Quarterly 39.1989, pp.98-144.

24.   On Wishing there were Unicorns: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 90.1990, pp.247-65.

25.   Notes on the Underground: Inquiry 33.1990, pp.27-37.

26.   World Religions and World Orders: Religious Studies 26.1990, pp.43-57.

27.   New Issues: Eradicating the Obvious: Journal of Applied Philosophy 8.1991, pp.121-5.

28.   Taylor’s Waking Dream: No-one’s Reply: Inquiry 34.1991. pp.195-215.

29.   Orwell and the Anti-Realists: Philosophy 67.1992, pp.141-54.

30.   Where have all the Angels gone? Religious Studies 28.1992, pp.221-34.

31.   Minds, Memes and Rhetoric Inquiry 36.1993, pp.3-16.

32.   Social, Moral and Metaphysical Identities: Personalist Forum 8.1992, pp.159-62.

33.   New Issues: Philosophy and Popular Cosmology Journal of Applied Philosophy 10.1993, pp.115-22.

34.   Olaf Stapledon (1886-1950) International Science Reviews 18.1993, pp.112-119.

35.   Does the Burgess Shale have Moral Implications? Inquiry 36.1993, 357-80.

36.   Companions on the Way: Philosophical Quarterly 44.1993, 90-100.

37.   The Possible Truth of Metaphor: International Philosophical Studies 2.1994, 19-30.

38.   Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the Neglected Experiment: Foundation 61.1994, pp.50-65.

39.   New Issues: Genetic and Other Engineering Journal of Applied Philosophy 11.1994, pp.233-8.

40.   Substance: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary volume 95.1995, pp.1-14.

41.   Objective Values, Final Causes: Electronic Journal of Analytical Philosophy 3.1995, pp.65-78 (http://ejap.louisiana.edu/EJAP/1995.spring/clark.1995.spring.html)

42.   Ecology and the Transformation of Nature: Theology in Green 3.1995, pp.28-46.

43.   Nations and Empires: European Journal of Philosophy 3.1996, pp.63-80

44.   Thinking about How and Why to Think: Philosophy 71.1996, pp.385-404

45.   Minds, Memes and Multiples: Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 3.1996, pp.21-28.

46.   Commentary on Stephen Braude’s ‘Multiple Personality and Moral Responsibility’: Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 3.1996, pp.55-58.

47.   How Chesterton Read History: Inquiry 39.1996, pp.343-58

48.   What Ryle meant by ‘Absurd’: Cogito 11.1997, pp.79-88

49.   A Plotinian Account of Intellect: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71.1997, pp.421-32.

50.   Dangerous Conservatives: a reply to Daniel Dombrowski: Sophia 37.1998, pp.44-69

51.   The Goals of Goodness: Studies in World Christianity 4.1998, pp.228-44.

52.   Conducta decente hacia los animales: un enfoque tradicional: Teorema 18/3, 1999, pp.61-83.

53.   How and Why to be Virtuous: Personalist Forum 13.1997, pp.143-60 [actually 2000]

54.   The Evolution of Language: Truth and Lies: Philosophy 70.2000, pp.401-21.

55.   Have Biologists Wrapped up Philosophy? Inquiry 43.2000, pp.143-66

56.   The Cosmic Priority of Value (Aquinas Lecture, Leuven): Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 62.2000, pp.681-700

57.   From Biosphere to Technosphere: Ends and Means 5.2001, pp.3-21

58.   Feyerabend’s Conquest of Abundance: Inquiry 45.2002, pp.249-68

59.   Slaves, Servility and Noble Deeds: Philosophical Inquiry (Thessaloniki) 25.2003, no.3-4, pp.165-76.

60.   Constructing Persons: the Psychopathology of Identity: Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.2003, pp.157-60.

61.   Progress and the Argument from Evil: Religious Studies 40.2004, pp.181 – 192

62.   Deference, Degree and Selfhood: Philosophy 80.2005, pp.249-60

63.   C.J.Cherryh: The Ties that Bind: David Seed, ed., Yearbook of English Studies (Maney Publishing: London 2007), vol.37.2, pp.197-214

64.   Deconstructing the Laws of Logic: Philosophy 82.2008, pp.25-53.

65.   Plotinian Dualisms and the ‘Greek’ Ideas of Self: Journal of Chinese Philosophy 36.2009, pp.554-67.

66.   Religion and Law – response to Michael Moxter: Ars Disputandi, Supplementary Volume 5.2011,pp.57-71

67.   Folly to the Greeks: Good Reasons to Give up Reason: European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4.2012, pp.93-113

68.   Moments of Truth: The Marginal and the Real: The European Legacy, 17.2012, No. 6, pp. 769–778 DOI: 10.1080/10848770.2012.715808

69.   Townships, Brigands and a Shared Religion: Griffith Law Review 21.2012, pp.392-412.

70.   Imaginary futures and moral possibilities: blossoming in the morn of days: International Social Science Journal 62.2013, Issues 205-5, pp.301-12. DOI: 10.1111/issj.12004

71.   Atheism Considered as a Christian Sect Philosophy 90.2015, pp 277 – 303.

72.   Platonists and Participation: Metaphysics: Historical Perspectives and its Actors, ed. Ricardo Barroso Batista: Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. 71.2015, pp.249-66.

73.   Changing Kinds – Aristotle and the Aristotelians: Diametros 44.2015, pp.19-34. DOI: 10.13153/diam.45.2015.794

74.   Late pagan alternatives: Plotinus and the Christian gospel: Religious Studies 52.4 (2016), pp.545-60. doi:10.1017/S0034412516000184

75.   The Sphere with Many Faces: Dionysius 34.2016, pp.8-26.

76.   Supernatural Explanations and Inspirations. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (3), 2017, pp.49-63.

77.   Patrides, Plotinus and the Cambridge Platonists: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.2017, pp. 858-77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09608788.2016.1255179

78.   Who is God: European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4).2016, pp.1-22.

79.   Citizens of the World and their Religion: Philosophical Papers 48:1.2019, pp.103-122, DOI: 10.1080/05568641.2019.1585201

80.   New Histories of the World: Spenglerian Optimism Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence: vol.6/2.2022: Oswald Spengler’s International Influence: From The Decline of the West till the Present Day (ed. Gregory Swer).

81.   Humanity: Respecting What Is Real. 2023. Etyka, Aug. 2023, ed. Dominika Szkoda. doi:10.14394/etyka.1306.

82.   Metaphors and Realities, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2023, DOI: 10.1080/09672559.2023.2287636

83.   Values and Facts and Fancies: Religious Studies (online preview) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/religious-studies/article/values-and-facts-and-fancies/C60DDF3370D7A92FFABA8B85F288B3A1


8.4.  Essays and Long Reviews

1.       Animals and Philosophy: The Vegetarian July 1977, p.17.

2.       The Rights of the Wild and the Tame: Chronicles of Culture 9.8: 1985, pp.20-2.

3.       Olaf Stapledon, Science-fiction philosopher: Times Higher Education Supplement 19 September 1986, p.16.

4.       Richard Dawkins: Blind Watchmaker: Times Literary Supplement 26 September 1986, 4356, pp.1047-9.

5.       Olaf Stapledon: Philosopher and Fabulist Chronicles of Culture 10.12: 1986, pp.14-8.

6.       The One Incomprehensible Thing: Religion and Science: proceedings of a symposium at Windsor Great Park, ed.R.E.Burge (Kings College London 1987), pp.44-57.

7.       Having Opinions: Chronicles of Culture 11.4: 1987, pp.13-5.

8.       Utility, Rights and the Domestic Virtues: Between the Species 4.1988, pp.235-46.

9.       A View of Animals and How they stand: Animal-Human relationships: some philosophers’ views (RSPCA: London 1988), pp.4-5.

10.   Ethics and the Peaceable Kingdom: 10th Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture 1988 (Vegan Society, London 1988).

11.   The Spiritual Meaning of Philosophy: Chronicles of Culture 13.9: 1989, pp.14-19.

12.   Retrospective 1988-45: Between the Species 4.1990

13.   A Disposition for Destruction?: Argument 1. 1990, pp.9-16.

14.   The Teaching of Ethics: Humane Education Newsletter 1991, 2.1, pp.4-6.

15.   Philosophy Lists: Computers and Texts 3.1992, 7-8.

16.   Paul Davies: The Mind of God: Times Literary Supplement 26 June 1992, 4656, pp.6-7.

17.   Status and Contract Societies: the non-human dimension National Geographical Journal of India 41.1995, pp.225-30

18.   Conservation and Animal Welfare: Chronicles of Culture 20.6: 1996, pp.13-16.

19.   Charles Taliaferro: Consciousness and the Mind of God: Times Literary Supplement 2/23/96

20.   Stephen Budiansky: The Covenant of the Wild why animals chose domestication; Roy Willis, ed., Signifying Animals Human meaning in the natural world: Times Literary Supplement 1/5/96

21.   Frans de Waal: Good Natured: the Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other; Robin Dunbar: Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language: Times Literary Supplement 9/6/96

22.   Lawrence C.Becker, A New Stoicism (Princeton University Press): Philosophy 74.1999, pp.126-8.

23.   Peter Unger, Living High and Letting Die: our illusion of innocence (Oxford University Press): Philosophy 74.1999, pp.128-30.

24.   David DeGrazia, Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life and Moral Status (Cambridge University Press): Philosophical Quarterly 49.1999, pp.246-7.

25.   Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze, ed., African Philosophy: an anthology (Blackwell): African Affairs 1999, pp.128-30.

26.   Nicholas Banner, Philosophic Silence and the ‘One’ in Plotinus: Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 57 no. 3, 2019, p. 554-555.

27.   Clare Palmer, Environmental Ethics and Process Thinking (Clarendon Press): Studies in Christian Ethics 12.1999, pp.89-91.

28.   If Nothing is Sacred, Why are We?: Higher Calling 4.2000, pp.22-26

29.   Proper Sentiment and Human Cloning: Philosophy Now 28 (August/September 2000), pp.14-17

30.   Alasdair MacIntyre, Dependent Rational Animals (Duckworth): Philosophical Quarterly 2001, pp.266-9

31.   Kevin Dolan Ethics, Animals and Science (Blackwell): Animal Welfare 10.2001, pp.454-6.

32.   The Status of Zygotes: Philosophers’ Magazine 13 (Winter 2001), pp.

33.   Deep Time: 16th Abbott Lecture (Dean’s Office: King’s College London 2001), 22pp.

34.   Richard Sorabji Emotion and Peace of Mind (Clarendon Press): Philosophy 77.2002, pp.138-41.

35.   Robert Audi Religious Commitment and Secular Reason (Cambridge University Press): Mind 111.2002, pp.639-43

36.   What’s in a Name?: Philosophers’ Magazine 23 (June 2003), pp.43-45

37.   Live and Let Live: Interviewed by Gary Chartier, in Spectrum 2003. Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp.46-9

38.   H.O.Mounce Tolstoy on Aesthetics: What is Art? (Ashgate: Aldershot 2001): Philosophy 78.2003, pp.300-3.

39.   Carlo Natali The Wisdom of Aristotle (SUNY Press: Albany, New York 2001): Mind 2003. 112: pp.777-780.

40.   Andrew Berry ed Infinite Tropics: an Alfred Russel Wallace Anthology (Verso: London & New York): Organization and Environment 16.2003, pp.261-3.

41.   Michael Ruse Can a Darwinian Be a Christian? The Relationship Between Science and Religion (Cambridge University Press): Mind 114.2005,  pp.773-7

42.   Raymond Tallis The Hand; I Am; The Knowing Animal (Edinburgh University Press): Times Literary Supplement 5350. October 14th 2005, pp.11-12

43.   Respecting Sentient Beings: Joan Dunayer’s Speciesism (Ryce): Organization and Environment 19.2. 2006, pp.280-3

44.   Paul J.Griffiths Lying: an Augustinian Theology of Duplicity (Brazos Press): Studies in Christian Ethics 18. 2005, pp.151-153

45.    Robert Markley Dying Planet: Mars in Science and the Imagination (Duke University Press): Metascience 15.2006, pp.561–565

46.    Kieran McGroarty Plotinus on Eudaimonia: a Commentary on Ennead I.4 (Oxford University Press): British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16.2008, pp.249-50.

47.   Can Animals be our Friends?: Philosophy Now 67, May/June 2008, pp.13-16.

48.   Chesterton, Science Fiction and Moor Eeffoc: L’Atelier du Roman 55, September 2008, pp.65-73.

49.   John Smythies The Trial of God (BookSurge Publishing): Journal of Scientific Exploration 22.2008, pp.443-4

50.   In Our Hands: Reform October 2008, pp.17-8.

51.   Interview: Abolitionist Online vol.8 http://www.abolitionist-online.com/08_stephen_l_clark.shtml

52.   John Sallis The Verge of Philosophy (University of Chicago Press): Philosophy 84.2009, pp.156-8

53.   Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson Plotinus on Intellect (Clarendon Press): Philosophical Quarterly 59.2009, pp.357-9

54.   Stephen J.Pope Human Evolution and Christian Ethics (Cambridge University Press): Studies in Christian Ethics November 2009; vol. 22, 4: pp. 506-509

55.   How to Believe in God: Guardian 29 April 2010:  http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2010/apr/28/religion-philosophy-god-belief

56.   Svetla Slaveva-Griffin Plotinus on Number (Oxford University Press): Classical Review 60.2010

57.   John Cottingham Why Believe? (Continuum): Religious Studies 46.2010, pp.539–541

58.   Catherine H.Zuckert Plato's Philosophers: The Coherence of the Dialogues (University of Chicago Press): British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (4):811 - 815.

59.   The Time has Come: Anthony J.Nocella & Lisa Kemmerer edds., Call to Compassion: Religious Reflections on Animal Advocacy (Lantern Books: New York 2011), pp.xvii-xxii.

60.   Timothy Sprigge The Importance of Subjectivity, ed. Leemon McHenry (Clarendon Press): Philosophy 87.2012, pp.310-315.

61.   Trent Dougherty (ed.) Evidentialism and its Discontents; Kelly James Clark & Raymond J. VanArragon (eds) Evidence and Religious Belief  (Oxford UP): Religious Studies, 49.2013, pp. 134-139.

62.   C.Athanasopoulos & C.Schneider, edds., Divine Essence and Divine Energies: Ecumenical Reflections on the Presence of God in Eastern Orthodoxy (James Clarke 2013):  Philosophical Quarterly 64.2014, pp.513-517.

63.   William Charlton Metaphysics and Grammar (Bloomsbury): Philosophy, 90.2014, pp.532-539

64.   Raoul Mortley Plotinus, Self and the World (Cambridge): Classical Review 65.2015, pp.87-9:  http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X14002467

65.   What Philosophy of Religion can contribute to the University (September 2015): http://philosophyofreligion.org/?p=320804

66.   Gary Michael Atkinson Our Search with Socrates for Moral Truth (Catholic University of America): Theology 119.4 (July/August 2016), pp.307-9.

67.   Slavery, welfare and the sixth extinction Animal Sentience 2016.089

68.   Daniele Iozzia Aesthetic themes in pagan and Christian Neoplatonism from Plotinus to Gregory of Nyssa: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 2016: DOI: 10.1080/09608788.2016.1176904

69.   Why We Believe in Fairies: First Things, 271, March 2017, pp.33-8.

70.   Comparative Religion, or A World of Beings (March 2023): https://philosophyofreligion.org/?p=525755

71.   Comparative Philosophy: Right Reason? (September 2023):  https://philosophyofreligion.org/?p=525838




Other reviews in Times Literary Supplement, Times Higher Educational Supplement, Philosophical Quarterly, Mind, Philosophy, Philosophical Books, Journal of History of Ideas, Modern Churchman, Expository Times, Ethics, Religious Studies, Studies in Christian Ethics, New York Times.

8.5.  Contributions to Reports

1.       The Countryside We Want: Report of the 1999 Group, eds., C.Pye-Smith & C.Hall (Green Books: London 1988)

2.       Report of the Committee to Consider the Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies in the Breeding of Farm Animals (HMSO: London 1995): ‘The Banner Report’

3.       Report on the Implications of Cloning for the Welfare of Farmed Livestock (FAWC: London, December 1998)

4.       Animal Procedures Committee Report on Biotechnology (Animal Procedures Committee: London 2001)

8.6.  Reprints and translations

1.       God, good and evil: J.Houston, ed., Is it reasonable to believe in God? (Handsel Press: Edinburgh 1984).  

2.       Slaves and Citizens: Libertarian Publications 1985

3.       La Natureleza de la Bestia, tr.J.J.Utrillo (Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico 1987)

4.       Ethics and the Peaceable Kingdom (extracts): The Vegan, Autumn 1988, p.7

5.       Icons, Sacred Relics, Obsolescent Plant (extracts): A Better Country: Magazine of the for Rural Theology Association 15.1988, pp.29-32.

6.       Retrospettiva, tr.P.Cavalieri: Etica e Animali 2.1988, pp.80-4.

7.       La Morale dei Robot, tr.A.Tutino: Prometeo 8.1990, pp.68-73.

8.       Remarks on animals and morality: A.Linzey & T.Regan, eds., Animals and Christianity (Crossroad: New York 1988), pp.143-4, 201-2.

9.       AnimalismoDebole’: La Nuova Ecologia March 1991, pp.68-71.

10.   Amando il mondo vivente, tr. P.Cavalieri: Cenobio 40.1991, pp.33-47.

11.   Moderne, postmoderne en archaische dieren, tr.E.Bettens: Zoologie: Over (post-)moderne dieren: Antwerpen 93, vol.4, B.Verschaffel & Mark Vermink, eds, (J.M.Meulenhoff: Amsterdam 1993), 79-98.

12.   Philosophy Related Resources on the Internet (with Peter Morville): The Internet Compendium, edds. Louis Rosenfeld, Joseph Janes & Martha Vander Holk (Neal-Schuman Publishers Inc: New York & London 1995), pp.231-52 (http://www.liv.ac.uk/Philosophy/list.html)

13.   La Contribution de Stephen Clark à la Philosophie sur Internet, ed.J.Lanteigne: Horizons Philosophiques 6.1996, pp.95-109 (http://www.liv.ac.uk/Philosophy/philos.html)

14.   Gaia und die Formen des Lebens, tr.H.Sezgin: Angelika Krebs, ed., Naturethik: Grundtexte der gegenwärtigen tier- und ökoethischen Diskussion (Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt 1997), pp.44-64.

15.   Djur, Ekosystem och Liberal Etik, tr.L.Galmark: Lisa Gålmark, ed., Djur & Människor (Nya Doxa: Nora 1997), pp.223-43

16.   Sexual Ontology and Group Marriage: R.Baker, K.Wininger, F.Elliston, edds., Philosophy and Sex, 3rd edition (Prometheus Books: New York 1997), pp.165-76

17.   Slaves and Citizens: John Dunn & Ian Harris, eds., Great Political Thinkers: Aristotle (Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 1997), Volume 2, pp.97-116

18.   Vegetarianism (extracts from The Moral Status of Animals): Kerry Walters & Lisa Portmess, edds., Ethical Vegetarianism from Pythagoras to Peter Singer (SUNY Press: New York 1998), pp.204-7.

19.   A View of Animals and How They Stand (originally RSPCA pamphlet, 1988): Rosalind Hursthouse Ethics, Humans and Other Animals (Routledge: London 2000), pp.230-2.

20.   World Religions and World Orders: Charles Taliaferro & Paul.J.Griffiths, edds., Philosophy of Religion (Blackwell: Oxford 2003), pp.21-30

21.   Against Pantheism and Naturism: Jeff Astley, David Brown & Ann Loades, edds., Creation: a selection of key readings (T. & T.Clark: London 2003), pp.82-5 (extracts from How to Think about the Earth and Animals on the Agenda).

22.   Nothing without Mind, re-issued in CDROM for Templeton Foundation Project

23.   Cynics: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2005, 2nd edition), pp.185-6

24.   Epictetus: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2005, 2nd edition), pp.256-7

25.   Pyrrho: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2005, 2nd edition), p.273

26.   Hermetic Corpus: Ted Honderich, ed., Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2005, 2nd edition), pp.380-1

27.   Biology and Christian Ethics, translated into Chinese (Peking University Press: Peking 2007), 300pp.

28.   G.K.Chesterton: Thinking Backward, Looking Forward, translated into Russian by Ljubov' Summ (St Andrews Biblical Theological Institute: Moscow 2009), xiv + 257

29.   ed., Berkeley: Money, Obedience and Affection (Routledge: London, 2019), 230pp.

30.   Patrides, Plotinus and the Cambridge Platonists: Sarah Hutton, ed., The Cambridge Platonists Abingdon: Routledge 2024, pp.7-26


8.7.  Forthcoming/Work in progress

Evagrius and the Noonday Demon: Evagrius of Pontus, ed., Ilaria Ramelli

Looking to the Leader: Deus Ludens, edds, Douglas Hedley & Daniel Soars

A History of Appearances, or Worlds United (volume on Barfield)

Other Lives and Other Worlds: Philosophy and Modern Fictions (Angelico Press)

Realising Reality: Reason to Revelation (for Festchrift)

Maximus the Confessor: Logos and Logoi: https://www.academia.edu/176773/Maximus_the_Confessor_Logos_and_Logoi

Morals and the Multiverse: https://www.academia.edu/101043253/Morals_and_the_Multiverse



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