Dipartimento di Matematica
Piazza di Porta San Donato 5, Bologna


University of Liverpool
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Liverpool, L69 7ZL,
United Kingdom




+44 0151 794 4067


Nicola Pagani

Name: Nicola Pagani.

Current Position: Associate professor at Bologna University and Reader in Pure Mathematics, The University of Liverpool.

Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry: moduli spaces, in particular of curves; enumerative geometry, Gromov-Witten theory and quantum cohomology, orbifolds and orbifold cohomology; universal Jacobians and their compactifications.

PhD Students:

Jason van Zelm (April 2018, The enumerative geometry of moduli of double covers of curves).

Thomas Wennink (December 2021, Reconstruction theorems in Gromov-Witten theory).

Rhys Wells (December 2023, Combinatorial aspects of the stability space of compactified Jacobians).

Marco Fava (exp. September 2025, Topology of fine compactified universal Jacobians).



Modern Trends in Gromov-Witten Theory (Hannover, September 2014),

Moduli Spaces and their Applications (Liverpool, September 2015).

BrAG – British Algebraic Geometry colloquium  (Cambridge, September 2017 – Liverpool, April 2019 – Imperial College, expected September 2022).

Moduli of curves in Gothenburg  (Goteborg, October 2017).

Moduli of curves in Stockholm (Faber 60) (Stockholm, June 2022).

Algebraic and tropical geometry of moduli spaces of curves (Bologna, September 2025).