Dipartimento di Matematica
Piazza di Porta San Donato 5, Bologna


University of Liverpool
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Liverpool, L69 7ZL,
United Kingdom




+44 0151 794 4067


Nicola Pagani

Name: Nicola Pagani.

Current Position: Associate professor at Bologna University and Reader in Pure Mathematics, The University of Liverpool.

Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry: moduli spaces, in particular of curves; enumerative geometry, Gromov-Witten theory and quantum cohomology, orbifolds and orbifold cohomology; universal Jacobians and their compactifications.

PhD Students:

Jason van Zelm (April 2018, The enumerative geometry of moduli of double covers of curves).

Thomas Wennink (December 2021, Reconstruction theorems in Gromov-Witten theory).

Rhys Wells (December 2023, Combinatorial aspects of the stability space of compactified Jacobians).

Marco Fava (exp. September 2025, Topology of fine compactified universal Jacobians).



Modern Trends in Gromov-Witten Theory (Hannover, September 2014),

Moduli Spaces and their Applications (Liverpool, September 2015).

BrAG – British Algebraic Geometry colloquium  (Cambridge, September 2017 – Liverpool, April 2019 – Imperial College, expected September 2022).

Moduli of curves in Gothenburg  (Goteborg, October 2017).

Moduli of curves in Stockholm (Faber 60) (Stockholm, June 2022).