Michael Jump BEng Ph.D
I am currently or have been primary supervisor for the following PhD topics:
- Prospective Sky Guides
(2008 - 2012) - This is a follow-on project from my own Ph.D work.
Further study on the fixed-wing flare manoeuvre is being
undertaken, alongside an attempt to create a pilot model using
'Tau Theory'. Student graduated in 2013 and now works for Qinetiq.
- Taming the Autogyro (2009 - 2013) - Autogyros have a poor safety record compared
to their light-aircraft counterparts. This project aims to
uncover the flight dynamics aspects behind why these vehicles can be so
dangerous. Student graduated in 2015. Now works for Qinetiq.
- Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings (2010 - 2013) - ARISTOTEL
is funding a Ph.D student at Liverpool. Student graduated in 2015. Now works for DLR Braunschweig.
- Autonomous Ship Operations
(2012 - 2016) - a Dstl-sponsored Ph.D studentship to scope out the
control system requirements for autonomous air vehicle naval operations.
- Ship Operations Room Decision Danger (2014 - 2018) - a Dstl-sponsored
Ph.D studentship in collaboration with Dr. Jacqueline Wheatcroft from
the Institute of Psychology, Health and Society investigating decision
confidence and accuracy across different decision dangers, states and
- Maritime Aerial Robotics (2014 - 2018)
- A School of Engineering-sponsored Ph.D studentship to take advantage
of the EPSRC capital equipment monies received in partnership with the
University of Sheffield. The project will focus on using 'Tau
Theory' to assist unammned vehicles depart from and arrive at naval
- Bio-Inspired Autonomous Navigation (2016 - 2019) - A
School of Engineering-sponsored Ph.D studentship to take advantage
of the EPSRC capital equipment. The project seeks to apply Tau
Theory used in manned flight to unmanned autonomous vehicle guidance
and navigation tasks.
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Site maintained by M. Jump. Page last modified on 4th March 2016